3500 BCE
Mesopotamia, the invention of cuneiform
Period: 2120 BCE to 2070 BCE
Egypt, Intef I ruled
2100 BCE
Ur, God makes a covenant with Abram
2081 BCE
Sodom, God renews his covenant with Abram
Period: 2050 BCE to 1903 BCE
Israel/Egypt, The Life of Jacob
Jacob did lots of sketchy things but God remained faithful in spite of him. -
Period: 2001 BCE to 6 BCE
Ur, The events of the OT starting with Abraham
2000 BCE
Island of Crete, the Minoan Civilisation Develops Hieroglyphic Script and the Extensive Palace Complex at Knossos
1910 BCE
Egypt, Joseph is sold into slavery
He had a dream that his brothers would bow down to him, and was his father's favorite. The brothers were jealous of him and sold him into slavery. http://www.aboutbibleprophecy.com/e3.htm -
Period: 1910 BCE to 1898 BCE
Egypt, Joseph works for Potiphar
Period: 1898 BCE to 1896 BCE
Joseph goes back to prison
1897 BCE
Sodom and Gomorrah, The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah
1896 BCE
Joseph becomes 2nd in command of Egypt
1866 BCE
Moriah, Abraham almost sacrifices Isaac
He's testing Abraham's faith and showing that he is in charge of everything, and decides whether to give or take away, even such things as his son. -
1850 BCE
Israel, the invention of the Hebrew alphabet
https://www.britannica.com/topic/Hebrew-alphabet Pictographic
Written from Right to left
No punctuation -
1800 BCE
Canaan, Ishmael is born
1553 BCE
Jacob Typology part 1
In Genesis 30, it focuses a lot on who gave birth to which of Jacob's sons. Leah, Rachel, Bilhah, and Zilpah were the mothers of these twelve sons. It makes their names clear, telling us that Judah was one of Leah's six sons. Jesus from the New Testament descended from Judah. It relates because it shows how God never forgot Leah and because in her life people didn't appreciate her he blessed her by putting Jesus under her line. -
1500 BCE
Israel, the writing of Genesis
Moses compiled Genesis.
Themes and Structure:
Creation, death, flood, covenant, providence
Ch 1 - 11: creation, fall, flood, Babel -
50 BCE
Middle East, Christianity Emerges
Period: 6 BCE to 95
Bethlehem, The Events of the New Testament
Jacob Typology part 2
In Matthew 1, we can see that Jesus was born in Judah's line. From the first part of the typology, we know Judah was Leah's son. This means that even though everyone thought Leah was the uglier one and didn't love her, God still did and gave her more babies, and even let the Messiah be descended from her. -
West Africa, oral tradition begins
https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&ei=W_VPXJLdOYj4hwO-upWYDQ&q=when+was+oral+tradition+used+in+west+africa&oq=when+was+oral+tradition+used+in+west+africa&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i22i29i30.10862.12505..12704...0.0..0.143.1358.18j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j33i21j33i160.qGz5ryzW2pM -
Salamis, Paul's First Missionary Journey
Antioch, Paul's Second Journey
Galatia, Paul's Third Journey
Prince of Whales Hospital, I was born
My parents prepared to have their lives slowly taken over by my existence. Source: Mom -
Fotan, I started at ICS
Source: my memory -
In the world, God continues to fulfil his covenant with Abraham
Christianity is the largest population in the world, Muslim second. Together, they take up 55.3% of the whole world in religion. Genesis 17:5-6 said that Abraham would become a father of a great nation, which can be seen through his sons today. In Genesis 17:20, God promised that Ishmael would be a great nation, which is why Islam is so popular. Exodus 2:24 said that God's covenant was with Isaac, which explains why Christianity is so big. -
Personal Reflection
I can identify with Genesis 32:22-30 because this literal idea of wrestling with God very accurately describes my spiritual journey. It says that a man wrestled Jacob in verse 24. I also am like that, because I don't let God overcome me. Jacob wanted him to bless him (verse 26), just as I want God to stop sufferings in the world. Like Jacob, my wrestling is because of something I believe God has not fulfilled.