3200 BCE
Mesopotamia, Writing First Invented
It was in Mesopotamia, modern-day Iraq, that writing, cuneiform was invented. https://sites.utexas.edu/dsb/tokens/the-evolution-of-writing/ -
Period: 2001 BCE to 432 BCE
Middle East/Egypt, Old Testament
The Old Testament of the Bible beginning with Abraham and ending with the death of Nehamiah lasted 1569 years approximetly. (http://usccb.org/bible/nehemiah/0) (https://www.matthewmcgee.org/ottimlin.html) -
Period: 2000 BCE to 1853 BCE
Jacobs Life, Canaan, Southwest Jordan
It was in Canaan near the Southwest Jordan that Jacob spent most of his life. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob -
1921 BCE
Ur, God Makes a Covenant with Abram
It was in the year 2071 bc that God made his covenant with Abraham that he would give Abraham many descendants. https://amazingbibletimeline.com/blog/bible_timeline_chronology/ -
1897 BCE
Sodom, God renews covenant with Abraham
It was in the Land of Sodom that God renewed his covenant with Abraham with the different killed animals. https://amazingbibletimeline.com/blog/bible_timeline_chronology/ -
1876 BCE
Mount Moriah, Abraham Almost Sacrifices Isaac
God continues to advance his mission to reflect his Glory by getting glorified by Abraham acting with total obedience without knowing what was gonna happen. Imagine being asked to sacrifice your 1 & only son who this whole covenant with God was supposed to go through. Gods using Abrahams complete and blind obedience to reflect his glory. God also advances his mission by keeping Isaac alive. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac
http://www.biblestudy.org/question/age-of-isaac-when-sacrificed.html -
1850 BCE
Canaan and Arabia, Hebrew Alphabet is invented
It was int he lands of Canaan and Arabia that the Hebrew alphabet and writing were invented. It was known as a Semitic script - Aleph Bet. It was also written from right to left. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Hebrew_alphabet -
1638 BCE
Field in Canaan, Jacob Typology Part 1
Genesis 25:30-33 (Jacob tempting Esau to sell his birthright) Genesis 25:30-33 tells the classic story of Jacob tempting Esau into selling his birthright for some food. This connects to Jesus in Matthew 4:1-11 when he fasted for 40 days and is very hungry, like Esau, when the devil comes and tempts him to take food (rocks into bread), just like Jacob did. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esau https://www.biu.ac.il/JH/Parasha/eng/vayishlach/par.html -
1600 BCE
China, Oral Traditions are passed down
Before the Chinese bone script was invented, 1500, all traditions were passed down by use of oral tradition. http://www.ancientscripts.com/chinese.html -
1430 BCE
Israel, Genesis is written
It was somewhere in Israel that Genesis was written. It is believed that Moses could possibly have been the writer. Genesis means beginning. Ch. 1 and 11 are impossible to "date". 2 Historical narratives and a few passages of poetry and some genealogy. Ch 1-11 Creation Fall Flood Babel
Ch 12-50 Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph https://www.allaboutcreation.org/when-was-genesis-written-faq.htm -
Period: 1328 BCE to 1326 BCE
Egypt, Joseph is Imprisoned
It was in Egypt after the scandle with Potiphars wife that Joseph was thrown in prison for 2 years. -
1318 BCE
Canaan, Joseph's Brothers Sell Him into Slavery
It was in Canaan in a ditch that Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery to go to Egypt. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_(Genesis) -
Period: 1318 BCE to 1329 BCE
Egypt, Joseph works for Potiphar
It was from when Joseph was 17 until he was 28 that he worked for Potiphar. This was a total of 11 years. -
1305 BCE
Egypt, Joseph is Made Second in Command
It was in Egypt after Joseph showcased his skill of interpreting dreams that he was put into second in command. He was 30 years old.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_(Genesis) -
600 BCE
Persia, Cyrus the Great Birth
Cyrus the Great was born in Persia to Mandane of Media and he later grew up to be the leader of the first Persian Empire. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyrus_the_Great -
Period: 4 to 96
Roman Empire, New Testament
Throughout the Roman Empire, the different events and writings of the New Testament were written and occurred between 4 AD and 96 AD. http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/PlainTextHistories.asp?historyid=aa11 -
Galilee, Israel, Pontius Pilate's Wife is born
It was in Galille, Israel that the wife of the famous Pontius Pilate was born. Due to lack of historical record she is unnamed.
https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&q=Pontius+Pilate%27s+wife&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLVT9c3NEwyrcguyssxVOLUz9U3MM0urjLS4gtILSrOzwvOTEktT6wsBgAB9DKbLAAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwia2NrWlvTfAhXDdt4KHQE7BOsQxA0wBXoECAAQEQ&biw=1255&bih=667 -
Jerusalem, Crucifixion of Jesus
It was here on the hill of Golgotha that Jesus Christ was crucified. https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&ei=yRtAXNbsIJivoATv0jA&q=where+was+jesus+crucified&oq=where+was+jesus+crucified&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l10.16965.18398..18550...2.0..0.88.388.5......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i7i30j0i13.2thOvVuUH5I -
Judaean Desert, Jacob Typology Part 2
Matthew 4:1-11 (Jesus being tempted by Satan, Stones to Bread) In Matthew 4:1-11 it tells the story of Jesus being tempted by Satan in the desert. This connects to Jacob because it is very similar to when Jacob tempts Esau into selling his birthright for food. Just like in these verses that Satan tries to tempt Jesus with food, bread, as well. http://www.aboutbibleprophecy.com/loj2.htm
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temptation_of_Christ -
Asia Minor/Syria/Cyprus, Pauls First Missionary Journey
In was in these areas that Paul, Barnabas and John started Paul's first missionary journey.
http://www.biblestudy.org/maps/pauls-first-journey-map.html -
Asia Minor/Syria/Greece, Paul's Second Missionary Journey
It was in these areas that Paul, Titus, Barnabas, and others where they go on Paul's second missionary journey.
http://www.biblestudy.org/maps/apostle-paul-second-missionary-journey-map.html -
Asia Minor/Syria/Greece, Paul's Third Missionary Journey
It was in these areas that Paul goes on his third missionary journey starting in Galatia.
http://www.biblestudy.org/maps/apostle-paul-third-missionary-journey-map.html -
Minneapolis, USA, Birth of Austin
In the prosperous city of Minneapolis, USA a son was born to John and Diana Van Meter and they named him Austin. -
ICS, Hong Kong, Austin starts his first year at ICS
It was in the year 2013 that Austin Van Meter first arrived in Hong Kong and began going to International Christian School. -
SS 526, Personal Relfection
Genesis 39 Tells the story of Joseph being punished and put in prison even though he didn't do anything wrong.
I can identify with this passage because this year in one of the ICS matches when our center back scored an own goal in the last minute of the game which caused us to lose. At that moment I was suffering even when it wasn't my fault just like Joseph when he didn't do anything wrong. This story impacts me because I know I have to trust God that things will turn out ok in the end. -
Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan, How can we see God's covenant with Abraham bing fulfilled today?
We can see God's covenant with Abraham being fulfilled today with Israel still possessing the land of Canaan, Genesis 17:8 talks about how God will give the land of Canaan to Abraham and his descendants as an enduring possession. This is fulfilled today because we can see the Jewish people still have the land of Canaan which takes up a large part of modern day Israel. https://www.ancient.eu/canaan/