2017 Tee Lei DALAT world history

By ltee
  • 12,000 BCE

    Egypt -The Egyptians move into the Nile valley

    The rich soil and the animals there were the perfect conditions for the Egyptians, now they could make a lot of food.
  • Period: 12,000 BCE to 300

    Egypt and Kush

    Ancient Egypt-12000 BC
    Old kingdom- 2700BC to 2200 BC
    Middle Kingdom- 2200-1750BC
    New Kingdom- 1550- 1050BC
    Kush-1500BC -300BC
  • Period: 10,000 BCE to 500 BCE

    Mesopotamia-The early Fertile Cresent people

    The early people move into the Fertile Cresent such as the Sumerians, Akkadians,Babylonians, Hittites, Kassites,Assyrians, Chaldeans, Phoenicians.
  • 4500 BCE

    Egypt-farming cities develop in Egypt

    The rich soil allowed the Egyptians to start farms so large, it took a city (community of people) to work.
  • 3300 BCE

    Sumer-The sumerians invent cuneiform, the world's first system of writing.

    This enabled people to be scribes and to keep business records long epics could also be created, such as the epic of Gilgamesh.
  • 3000 BCE

    Mesapotamia-Mesopotamia has a food surplus

    Now, peolple can do other jobs and evolve their settlements into cities, using a division of labor.
  • 2300 BCE

    Egypt-Tutankhamen dies

    The former Pharaoh Tutankhamen of Egypt died, with lots of treasure inside that shows the Egyptian art and achievements.
  • 2300 BCE

    India- The Harrapan civilization starts.

    The nomadic herders move to India because it was a rather safe place away from attackers this then developed to become the Harrapan civilization.
  • 2300 BCE

    All of mesampotamia-Sargon extended the Akkadian Empire

    Since Sargon had a permanent army, he was able to extend his empire from the Persian to the Mediterranean Sea.
  • 2200 BCE

    Egypt- Khufu builds monuments

    Khufu built a lot of monuments in the old kingdom, which made him famous.Historians think he was cruel.
  • 2200 BCE

    6.1-China-Yu the great starts the first dynasty

    The Xia dynasty tells of Yu the great digging channels for over 10 years to help the waterways of China. when Yu became king, he used teamwork to solve problems.
  • Period: 2200 BCE to 220

    6-China's dynasties

    Xia -2200-1500BC
  • 2050 BCE

    Egypt- Mentuhotep the second unites Egypt

    Chaos in Egypt caused the country to weaken, so Mentuhotep the second defeated all his rivals and the united Egypt.
  • 2000 BCE

    8.1-Greece- The people of Crete have a great place to live: Crete

    The minoans lived close to sea because it was an island, and they could travel, get food, trade and build ships because of the sea.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 429

    8-Greece- the time of Ancient Greece

    The Minoans- 2000-1600BC
    The Mycenaeans- 1600-1200BC
    The Greeks-1200-429 BC
    (The Greeks had many different city states running at the same time, unlike China, so in this timespan the Greeks refer to the Athenians.)
  • 1792 BCE

    Babylon-Hammurabi creates his Code (or laws)

    Hammurabi created a set of 282 rules that the people had to follow.Breaking those rules had great consequences, even death.
  • 1500 BCE

    Kush-Kush is conquered by the Egyptians

    Egypt feared that Kush was getting too powerful, so Thutmose 1 sent an army to defeat Kush.
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 500

    India- the time of India

    Harrapan civilization-2300-1700BC
    Other split civilizations-1700BC-500AD
  • 999 BCE

    India- the Rigveda was written

    Aryan religion had sacred text called the Vedas, and the oldest one was the Rigveda.The vedas gave the Aryan people the rules of what they should do.
  • 753 BCE

    10.1-Rome-Rome is founded

    Romulus is the first king of Rome, out of the seven other kings, which not all of them might be Romans. He made temples, sewers, and the Romans also learnt the alphabet from the Etruscans.
  • Period: 753 BCE to 88 BCE

    10- time of the Roman republic

    Romulus and the seven kings- 753-509BC
    The Patricians and the Plebeians-494-400
    Growth of territory and times of war-387-88BC
  • 700 BCE

    8.3- Greece- Homer creates his epic poems

    Homer was a poet who, according to legend couldn't see, was the greatest poet of the ancient world. He made the Iliad and the Odyssey, both tales of great adventure, and were central to the educational system of that time.
  • 598 BCE

    India- The Buddha gets enlightened

    Siddhartha Gautama,who was around 35 at that time sat under a tree and found the answer to suffering, Buddhism is based on his teachings.
  • 585 BCE

    9.1-Persia- Cyrus the great is born

    Cyrus the great conquered many countries, and let the countries keep their own traditions. When he died, he had the largest empire so far.
  • 551 BCE

    6.2-China-Confucious is born

    Confucius was a great teacher whose ideas are Known as Confucianism. He used to have position in the government, but the other officials became jealous because he was so good,so they kicked him out. His ideas are in a book called the Analects.
  • 500 BCE

    Phoenicia-the alphabet is invented

    They made symbols to represent sounds, much more convenient than pictographs
  • 500 BCE

    8.2-Greece- cleisthenes starts democracy in Athens

    Cleisthenes thought that the aristocrats already has too much influence on the government, so he made a system where the people get to vote who their leader gets to be.
  • 404 BCE

    9.2-Greece-Sparta deafeats Rome

    In the Peloponnesian war, Sparta defeats Athens by cutting off food supply and surrounding them. Sparta was in control of most of Greece until other states started disliking them.
  • 400 BCE

    10.2-Rome-The plebeians complain about the Roman government

    The plebeians complain about Rome's government, if the Romans did not change it, it might result in a revolt. So the Romans changed the government: making offices only for Plebeians, and taking note of their rights and interests.
  • 400 BCE

    9.4-Greece- amazing plays and poems created by the Greeks

    The Greek writers such as Sophocles, Aeschylus, and Aristophanes create great plays. Such as the tragedies written by Sophocles and Aeschylus, and comedies from Aristophanes. This influenced the Athenians, mostly, to learn and create more plays and incorporate these plays and poems into their education.
  • 387 BCE

    10.3-Rome-The Gauls giants victory over Rome

    The Gauls threatened to fight Rome, so Rome gave a huge amount of gold to the Gauls to go away after they conquered the city. Because of that, many countries wanted to take over Rome for this same reason, so when other countries attacked Rome (and lost) Rome would take over their land. So Rome grew larger as more people tried to attack them.
  • 336 BCE

    9.3- Greece-Alexander the Great is born.

    Alexander the Great was in charge after his father Philip died. Alexander the Great conquered many countries and expanded his empire a lot. He spread Greek culture everywhere he conquered. His empire included Egypt, Macedonia, Asia Minor, and the former Persian empire he even conquered some of India.
  • 270 BCE

    India - Asoka becomes king

    Asoka made India stronger and richer, then converted to Buddhism and focused more on his people, like building wells and roads.
  • 221 BCE

    6.3-China-Shi Huangdi takes the throne

    Shi Huangdi unified China and called himself the first Emperor.
    He had a strong government , but had harsh laws and punishments
  • 207 BCE

    6.4-China-Liu Bang becomes emperor

    Lou Bang was the first commoner to become emperor because of the Chinese belief of the Mandate of Heaven. He battled for power and won.
  • Period: 58 BCE to 1453

    11-the time of the Roman Empire

    58-50BC rule by the three kings- Pompey, Crassus and Caesar
    50-44BC- rule by Caesar.
    44BC- 14AD Rule by Augustus
    14-1453AD Rule by other emperors and the shrinking of the Roman empire.
  • 27 BCE

    11.1-Rome- Octavian’s name is changed to Augustus.

    To make the start of the Roman Empire and the end of the Roman republic, the forum changed Octavian’s name to Augustus. Octavian was Ceasar’s adopted son. The name Augustus means ‘revered one’.
  • 2 BCE

    11.2-Rome- Jesus is born

    Jesus, the God of Christianity is born in Bethlehem. When he was older, he healed the sick, raised himself and others from the dead, and did many miracles. He also taught the Gospel message to everyone. Jesus’s birth date is not Actually accurate, it was probably a few years back than 1BC.
  • 100

    India- advanced healthcare is present

    Doctors started to write down their ideas in textbooks, it describes them making medicine out of minerals and plants.
  • 200

    11.3-Rome-Diocletian splits the empire

    Because he thought that Rome was too big for one person to rule, he split the eastern side of the empire to himself, and the western side to his co-Emperor. This made it much easier to rule Rome.
  • 200

    13.1-West -Africa- salt and gold become important in African trade

    Gold and salt were valuable trade resources to West Africans salt was used as a preservative to keep food fresh. Gold was highly valued and used in trade.
  • 200

    6.5-China-Buddhism spreads to China

    Because of Buddhist missionaries,China had Buddhism. Buddhist monks and temples appear all over China. Giant carvings of Buddha appear as well.
  • Period: 200 to 200

    9- Greece - the Time of Greece and Persia

    The Medes- 700-550Bc
    The Persian empire:
    Ruled by Cyrus-559-530BC
    Ruled by Cambyses-530-522BC
    Ruled by Darius-521-486BC
    Alexander the Great's empire- 486-323BC
    Other Hellenistic countries 323- 20BC
  • Period: 250 to 1537

    16- Mesoamerica- the time of Early Mesoamerica

    The Mayans-250-900 AD
    The Aztecs-1325-1521 AD
    The Incas -1400-1537 AD
  • 300

    Kush- the last influences of Kush have disappeared

    After the rulers of Askum defeated Kush, they all converted to Christianity, then there was nothing left if the Kushite culture.
  • 300

    13.4-West Africa- Griots

    The griots were storytellers who told the history of West Africa. They did this by sharing stories to the other griots and this is called an oral history. They also shared proverbs and wise sayings. They shared an oral history because they did not have a written language.
  • Period: 300 to

    13- West Africa- the time of West Africa

    300 - 1200 Ghana empire
    1230-1500 Mali empire
    1400-1591 Songhai empire
  • 400

    17.2- Europe- saint Patrick spreads christianity

    Saint Patrick was kidnapped, but when he got older he started to spread Christianity among the Irish, he won the people of Ireland's favour when he drove all the snakes out of Ireland.
  • 500

    15.1- Japan- Japan learns from China and Korea

    The rulers or japan sent people to China and Korea to learn more about China and Korea. They learnt new ways about working and thinking. They learnt about language, philosophy and made changes in government.
  • 500

    17.1-Europe-Europe has settlers

    The geography of Europe allowed farmers and settlers to move to Europe, because the fertile soil there can grow many crops and trees
  • Period: 500 to

    15- Japan - the time of Japan

    500-539 rule under the Yamato rulers
    539-1192. Rule in prince Shotoku’s style
    1192-1892 rule under one shogun
  • Period: 500 to 1500

    17- Europe- the time of the middle ages

    500- 712- various settlements
    712-814 rule by Charlemagne
    1122-1204Rule by Eleanor of Aquitaine
  • 589

    14.1- China- China reunified after the period of disunion

    A man named Yang Jian conquered tha various parts of southern China and created the Sui dynasty. This led to the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty.
  • Period: 589 to

    14- China- The time of latter China

    Sui- 589-618
  • Period: 600 to

    12- Arabia-the time of the Muslim empires

    Ottoman Empire-1200-1800
    Savafid Empire-600-1700
    Ottoman Empire-1526-1600
  • 610

    12.2- Arabia- Muhammed writes the Qur,an

    The Qur’an is the book of Muslim beliefs, written by Muhammed. The Quran says that there is a beginning and an end to the universe, and whether we will go to heaven or not
  • 634

    12.3- Arabia- Abu Bakr dies

    After many battles, Abu Bakr had United Arabia, and died by that time.He made the Muslims the first class citizens, and Christianity and Judaism second class.
  • 750

    12.1- Arabia- Muhammad is born

    Muhammad, the founder of Islam, is said to be prophet who met an angel in a cave. he then started a new religion (Islam). He received lots of visions and put them in a book, called the Qur’an.
  • 800

    12.4-Arabia- Scholars make advances in math

    Our modern algebra is based on this math discovery- letters, or variables, as we call them now. This greatly increased human knowledge and enabled us to use the number zero in our math.
  • 900

    18.3- Europe- the new orders from the monks of Cluny

    These monks had very strict rules, like not talking to each other and only focused on religion, not the world around them. These rules were called religious orders, a group of people who follow the same rules of their religion, and dedicate their lives to it.
  • 960

    14.3- China- The Song Dynasty puts Neo Confucianism as their government teachings

    The Song Dynasty accepted Neo Confucianism as their government beliefs. Neo Confucianism means ‘new Confucianism’. Neo Confucianism talks about Behavior and Ethics, but shows emphasis on spiritual matters.
  • 960

    14.2- China-paper money is invented in the Song Dynasty

    This Song achievement helped people to carry their money, because in the past they had to pay things with large , bulky, metal
    Coins. But now, that could just wrap up some pieces of paper. It made travel easier, especially for the very rich people.
  • 1000

    16.1- Mesoamerica- the Mayans settle in modern day Guatemala

    The Mayans cleared lots of area to farm, and hunted for deer rabbits and monkeys. They used wooden poles to build their houses.
  • 1000

    17.3- Europe- feudalism spreads

    The raids by the vikings started, so the peasants were in danger of getting raided. They lived in manors where they could be safe and paid the landowner with their work in exchange for protection from raids.
  • 1000

    17.4-Europe and Japan- Feudalism in Japan and Europe

    The feudal system happened in both Europe and Japan, and they had many similarities. They had the soldiers, the knights and samurai, and the rulers, the lords and the emperor. And there were the peasants who worked for the rulers in exchange for protection.
  • Period: 1000 to 1500

    18- Europe- the latter Middle Ages.

    1000-1095 Small separate states
    1096-1291 The Crusades
    1215 Magna Carta was signed
    1347- 1351 The Black Death
  • 1050

    18.1-Europe- The popes want power

    The popes wanted more power, and got it while gaining authority over the bishops in the east. They thought that the pope was the most important person in religion, and all religious officials should listen to his commands.
  • 1060

    13.2-Ghana- Ghana declines due to invasion

    Ghana, one of the most richest empires at that time, got too famous because of how rich it was and got raided and attacked by the Almoravids. After that, the empire fell.
  • 1100

    15.2- Japan- Zen Bhuddism arrives to Japan

    Zen was another type of Bhuddism that said that neither faith or goog behavior led to wisdom. It said the people should practice self discipline and meditation.
  • 1192

    15.3-Japan- The shogun rules Japan

    The emperor, was actually not the real ruler of Japan at that time, the real power was the shogun, who worked in the emporor’s name, so that meant the emperor was only a figurehead, something like a false ruler to represent the country.
  • 1200

    18.5-Europe- the church and heresy.

    Heresy was religious ides that opposed religious teachings, Pope Innocent thought that this was a threat too great to ignore, so he sent people to hunt down the heretics, or people that have commited heresy. Some were killed, and others were fined or put in jail.
  • Period: 1270 to

    19- Europe - the time of the Renaissance

    1434-The Medici family rules Florence with their wealth
    1450- Gutenberg invents his printing press
    1517-Martin Luther writes his 95 thesis.
  • 1279

    14.4- Kublai Khan rules the mongol empire

    The Mongol empire, the biggest one that ever existed, was ruled by Kublai Khan. The reason that it remained so big with lesser people, was that the mongol army was so terrifying, that nobody wanted to attack them.
  • 1291

    18.2 -Europe- the crusades have failed

    After trying to regain the holy land several times, the crusaders had failed, for a few reasons. One of them was that they were outnumbered, and it was very hot in Palestine, unlike Europe. It would also been hard to attack after traveling huge distances.
  • 1325

    16.2-Mesoamerica-The Aztecs build their capital

    According to legend, if a eagle had a snake in it’s mouth was on a cactus, that would be the Aztec’s homeland. An eagle with a snake in it’s mouth on a cactus was spotted on a swampy island in the middle of a lake, so the Aztecs built their capital there, with the help of wooden supports.
  • 1347

    18.4-Europe- the Black Death

    The Black Death killed millions of people in Europe, but this epidemic was not caused by one disease, but by many. One of the most commonly known disease was called the bubonic plague, which involved swellings in the body. Europe lost one third of it’s population at that time.
  • 1400

    13.3 - Mali-the fall of Mali

    Mansa musa was the most famous ruler of Mali. He was also rich. He was so rich that he created inflation wherever he traveled. He was really into education too. He was a great leader but when he died,his son Meghan who was a total weak sauce could not defend Mali from raiders. The raiders set fire to Timbuktu.
  • Period: 1400 to

    20- Europe and America- a time of science and exploration

    1564-1642- Galileo Galileo uses the telescope to make discoveries about space.
    1492-Columbus discovers America on accident
    1500- The Colombian exchange
  • 1434

    19.1 - Europe- Cosimo de’ Medici rules Florence

    The Medici family were the owners of the best bank in Florence, because they became so rich, they could control the government. Cosimo wanted to make Florence a beautiful city, so he hired many artists to fulfill his wish.
  • 1450

    19.2- Europe- the Gutenberg printing press was invented.

    Johann Gutenberg in vented the printing press, that used pieces of metal that could be rearranged to form pages of text. This allowed them to read more often and make more books. Later, he translated the Bible in to English and printed bibles.
  • 1492

    20.2- Europe and America- America is discovered

    Christopher Columbus had discovered America not knowing that it was America, not another path to Asia. He told the Spanish monarchs that he was going to Asia, and he and his crew landed on an island in the Bahamas.
  • 1500

    16.3- Mesoamerica- the Inca empire gets big

    The Incas started out as a tribe in the Andes, but then they started to expand territory. His subjects followed his example. By 1500 the Inca empire was huge.
  • 1500

    20.3-Europe and America- the Colombian exchange

    The trading of many goods, plants, animals and ideas took place after people in Europe discovered America. This introduced many new foods and changed a lot of eating habits. However some major diseases spread as well as the sailors passed illnesses around, and the people of the Americas had given tobbaco to the Europeans. (Smoking kills)
  • 1517

    19.3- Europe- Martin Luther writes the 95 thesis.

    Martin Luther did not like the practices of the church at that time, so he wrote a list of complaints to try to make the church better. This was called the 95 thesis. Unfortunately this lead to the split of the church and war, and Martin Luther was excommunicated.
  • Period: to

    21- Europe and America- The enlightenment and revolution

    1694- French Philosopher Voltaire is born
    1632-1704 - John Locke
    1689-1755-Charles Montesquieu
    1712-1778-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    1776- The Declaration of Independence
  • 20.1-Europe-Space discoveries are discovered using a telescope

    The telescope had been invented, but nobody had used it to confirm the planets in space, nothing was proven for certain before that. Galileo had seen the planets in space with lots of detail like craters and mountains, and proved that the sun is in the center of the solar system, earth and other planets revolve around it.
  • 21.1-Europe -The Enlightenment and Voltaire

    The enlightenment brought in reason and logic into the minds of many philosophers in Europe, Voltaire was a philosopher from France who believed that humans could improve their own existence, and fought against censorship- removal of information considered harmful.
  • 21.2- Europe- popular sovereignty

    Popular sovereignty meant that the government should do what the people want the government to do, to help the people, not themselves. One of the people who believed in this was Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a French Philosopher.
  • 21.3-America- The Declaration of Independence

    Thomas Jefferson wrote a document that would free the colonists from British rule, this document listed the people’s rights and what they are allowed to do. This document also included natural rights, or what every person should have already.
  • Asia- Buddhism is now a major religion

    After the Buddha spread his religion throughout India and to many parts of Asia, now many people all around the world are Buddhist, and with the internet, people from everywhere can know about the teachings of Buddhism.
  • 6.5-China-China's silk has now appeared all over the world as a luxury item

    The invention of silk had gone very far in the past, but now with planes and shipping, silk can get transported all over the world quite easily, and now is in most cloth and fabric stores.
  • 9-modern day connection- Greece-doctors now have to recite the Hippocratic oath

    Because of the beliefs of Hippocrates on how doctors should behave, the oath not to kill anyone on purpose after you finish medical school is called the Hippocratic oath, recited by doctors today. Hippocrates was the greatest Greek doctor of that time.
  • Malaysia-now has laws

    Hammurabi's Code inspired the people of Malaysia to have laws
  • Egypt- people research more about Tutuenkhamen's tomb.

    This lets people dicover more about Egypt from the treasure that they found.This helps us to know more about Egyptian life and their beliefs.
  • 6-Modern day event-China has made a lot of silk, sent all around the world

    Because of the luxury item of silk, China has become very rich because it is easier to ship silk to different countries, which makes China even richer.
  • Singapore-I was born

    I have entered into the world, good news for a lot of people, like me.
  • 11-modern day connection- people celebrate Christmas

    To celebrate the birthday of Jesus, on December 25 Christians have a holiday to remember their god. This helps them to remember how Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem, and that we should be thankful for what we have.
  • 8-Greece -Modern day connection- the olympics

    In Greece, they had a sports competition to honor their god Zeus.
    It started out with running, but then they added more sports like boxing and chariot racing. Now, the Olympics has 28 sports and involves several countries.
  • 10-Rome-modern day connection- veto is used all the time in government

    Because of the Romans, veto power is used nowdays to prevent someone from doing something, usually in the Government. The judge can use his veto power to prevent someone from doing something, like stopping someone from talking.
  • 12-modern day connection- Islam in Malaysia

    Because of trade back then, in 1200-1600, we now have Islam in Malaysia. There are a lot of mosques in Malaysia, and Muslims too.
  • 13- Ghana-modern day connection- kenteDas ist meine Selbstgebaute Test Strecke, auf dem Flugplatz von Sandy Shores... Installation: Verschiebe oder Kopiere die XML Datei einfach in den Ordner... >>>MenyooStuff/Spooner

    In Ghana, they made a hand-woven fabric called Kente. This colorful cloth is still used today and worn by the people there.
  • 14-modern day connection- gunpowder and China

    Now, people use gunpowder for weapons, (like guns) and this has changed a lot of ways that war happens. Instead of shooting arrows, we now can use gunpowder to fire pieces of metal at the enemy. Now, gunpowder is also used for fireworks, and various popping things, like firecrackers.
  • 15- modern day connection-Japanese style buildings still stand around today

    The Chinese style inspired buildings were made by Japan, and now there are many of these buildings today. The curved wood at the ends of the buildings emphasize nature. Many of these buildings had open, airy spaces inside.
  • 16- modern day connection- ball games

    The Mayans played a game where you have to bounce a ball with your hips to get it into a hoop, or get it to the other side. Some people still play it today, with a loincloth and some traditional headwear.
  • 18- modern day connection.- The Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta has inspired governments all around the world to protect human rights. Some of it’s ideas were put in the US constitution, which we still have around today. In the Magna Carta are 63 commands that nobles made king John sign to follow.
  • 19- Europe- Modern day connection- the Mona Lisa

    Leonardo da Vinci painted a picture called the Mona Lisa, at the Renaissance Period, where art and other new discoveries were being made. Leonardo also was great at many other topics besides art, such as engineering, and science. The Mona Lisa is now one of the most famous artworks today.
  • 20- Modern day connection- Chicken in America and around the world

    Due to the Colombian exchange, many different types of food, such as chicken, beef, and fruits, were traded. these are available around the world, and not in only one country or continent. If the Colombian exchange didn’t happen, companies that were made in America that used other resources, like KFC, would not exist.
  • 21- France - Modern day connection- the government and branches

    Charles Montesquieu was a French Philosopher who claimed that a government should have separate government branches, because of him, most of our governments today, like in Malaysia, have separate branches. Because of this, no one can control the government completely.
  • 17- Modern day connection- saint Patrick's day

    On the 17th of march, people celebrate St. Patricks day. The three leafed shamrock is a symbol for St. Patrick's day because he used it to convert the Irish into Christianity. People celebrate by trying to speak more Irish and wearing green clothes.