2017 Max Chang Ye Joon Dalat US History

  • 38,000 BCE

    Unknown-Migration of the Pablo-Indians

    Between 38000 BC and 10000BC, the Paelo-Indians crossed the Bering land bridge, a path revealed due to water freezing into ice, for migration to Alaska.
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 400 BCE

    The Olmec

    Olmec was the developed earliest known civilization known for use of stone in architecture, etc.. They built the first pyramid in America.
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 900

    The Mayan

    Grew maize and other crops, lived in small village and traded goods with villages, but around AD200' they started building large cities which hand pyramids, large stone and paved large plazas.
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 1500

    The Aztec

    Fierce warriors, around mid 1100s AD, they migrated south to central Mexico and countered many towns, made alliances and built empires. Unknown when they were ended.
  • 500 BCE

    Democracy begins in Greece

    During the fifth and fourth centuries BC, democracy was established by Greek city-state, all male citizens in Athens had the right to participate in the assembly, a gathering of citizen to debate and and create city's law.
  • 750

    Anasazis build Pueblos

    After about AD 750, they built ground houses out of heavy clay called adobe
  • Period: 750 to 1300

    Anasazi's life in pueblos

    Pueblos were built by Anasazi in AD 750, they were above ground houses that are made out of adobe, they built houses on top of each other, some had several hundred rooms and could house 1000 people. But at AD 1300, they started to abandon pueblos, many believe that drought, disease, or raids were the main reason.
  • 800

    Ghana's control of trade routes

    By 800 Ghana was in control of the west Africa's trade routes, nearly all trade through Northern and Southern Africa passed through Ghana, since there was so many trading going on, they could find ways to get money for them.
  • 1000

    Vikings arrival to North America

    The vikings were the first to reach North america, they came from Scandinavia, a peninsula that includes Denmark (Current day).
  • Period: 1300 to

    Mali empire

    Mali empire approximately started on AD 1300, Mali's most famous ruler was a Muslim king named Mansa Musa, under his leadership, Mali reached its highest point on their wealth, power, and fame.
    Mali began to fall at AD 1500 poor leadership after mansa musa's death, the empire began to weaken and only a small area of Mali was remaining and finally fall at approximately AD 1600
  • Period: 1300 to


    Reneassance, meaning "rebirth" was after Middle Ages, they seek for knowledge and is a period where lots of great artists were born.
  • 1492

    Columbus sails across the Atlantic

    on August 3, 1492, Columbus's three ships set sail after asking for payment to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella for his trip.
  • Period: 1492 to 1504

    Columbus' adventures

    Columbus' adventure began in 1492 and ended in 1504, after returning to spain he died after 2 years, still believing that he reached Asia
  • 1500

    The Spanish Conquistadors vs Aztec

    Spanish Conquistadors were soldiers that led military expeditions in Americas, when Cortez first went to Moctezuma, he thought Cortez was a God and welcomed him, but instead Cortez took Moctezuma and put him in prison, eventually Tenochititlan was destroyed and thast was the fall of the Aztec Empire.
  • 1510

    Beginning of slavery/slave trade

    In 1510, slave trade was legalized in Spanish Government, the first full cargo ship of Africans arrived in the America eight years later.
  • 1517

    Protestant Reformation

    Martin Luther, a German Priest began the Protestant Reformation in 1517, which was a religious movement began in small German towns but spread to most of Europe, Protestants were reformers who protested some of the Catholic Church's practices
  • foundation Jamestown Virginia

    Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in North America, their lack of preparation caused many man to die. Jamestown was fared better under John Smith, who built a fort in 1608 after taking control of the colony.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Because the charter would not apply to Virginia's colonial government when they landed, they made their own basic law and social riles to govern the colony wen they would found. Mayflower compact was a legal contract in which they agreed to have fair law to protect the general goods. on november 21, 1620, 41 of the male passengers in the ship
  • Maryland found

    In 1620, George Calvert asked for a charter establishing a colony to King Charles I, after that in 1632, Charles issued the charter to Calvert's son, Cecillius, who took planning of the colony
  • Pennsylvania found by William Penn

    Pennsylvania was created/found by William Penn, he wished to find a larger colony under his control which will provide safe home for quakers (a large religious group in New Jersey)
  • Period: to


    Pennsylvania was found by William Penn to provide safe shelter for the Quakers.
  • English Bill of Rights passed

    Parliment replaced the unpopular King James and passed the English Bill of rights was a act that reduced the powers of the English monarch.
  • Ch1. Modern day example: democracy

    Greece's governing way of democracy has affected our modern days on many countries
  • Ch 2. modern day example

    One example is Columbus' voyages, he made many discovery like us now days, seeking for many things
  • Ch 3. Modern Day example

    One of the Modern day example of things in chapter 3 is: English bill or rights