Period: 10,000 BCE to 500 BCE
Ch.3 - Early Fertlie Crescent People
Akkaddians, Sumerians, Babylonians, Hittites, Kassites, Assyrians, Chaldeans, and Phoenicians -
5000 BCE
3.1 - Mesopotamia - Food Surplus
After farmers were able to increase their food output they experienced a food surplus. A food surplus is when you have more food than you need. This also means not everyone had to work as a farmer, and were able to do different jobs. -
4900 BCE
3.1 - Mesopotamia - Division of Labor
The division of labor allowed people to specialize in multiple different professions. This allowed for more progression and production in cities. -
Period: 4500 BCE to 400 BCE
Ch.4 - Ancient Egypt and Kush
Ancient Egypt lasted 3100 B.C. to 2700 B.C.
The Old Kingdom lasted from 2700 B.C. to 2200 B.C.
The Middle Kingdom lasted from 2200 B.C. to 1750 B.C.
The New Kingdom lasted from 1550 B.C. to 1050 B.C.
The Kushite Kingdom lasted from 2000 B.C. to 300 A.D. -
3300 BCE
4.4 - Egypt - Hieroglyphics
Hieroglyphics were a writing system made by the Egyptians. Writing consisted of pictures and objects. -
3100 BCE
4.1 - Egypt - Menes uniting Lower and Upper Egypt
A leader known as Menes united Lower and Upper Egypt. This was the start of the Egyptian civilization. -
2700 BCE
4.2 - Egypt - Gods and Religion
The Egyptians believed in many Gods, and they also believed in the afterlife. This led them to make multiple architectural buildings to worship them. These are all a big part of Egyptian culture. -
2500 BCE
3.3 - Sumer - Cuneiform
Cuneiform was the first system of writing ever developed. It consisted of wedge shaped symbols made by a stylus. -
2334 BCE
3.2 - Akkadia - Sargon
Sargon established the worlds first empire and was the first leader to have a permanent army. -
Period: 2300 BCE to 500
Ch.5 - Ancient India
In 2300 B.C. The Harappan civilization was developed.
In 1500 B.C. The Aryans Migrate Into India.
In 320 B.C. Candragupta Maurya formed the Mauryan empire which took control of Northern India.
In 320 A.D. The Gupta Society was formed which reunited India. -
2000 BCE
5.1 - India - Aryan Migration
After the fall of the Harappan civilization the Aryans were quick to migrate into India. This populated India and lead to many society's forming. -
2000 BCE
5.1 - India - Sanskrit
Sanskrit was a language spoken by the Aryan society. It was first a language that could only be spoke and had no way of recording information. Over time people made ways to write down Sanskrit. Today Sanskrit is not spoken but it is the beginning of many South Asian languages. -
Period: 2000 BCE to 500 BCE
Ch.8 - Ancient Greece
The Minoans were the first people to live on Greece though they weren't considered Greek. They span from 2000 B.C. to 1400 B.C.
The Mycenaeans were the second people to live on Greece, but they were the first to be considered Greek. They span from 1600 B.C. to 1200 B.C. -
1800 BCE
5.2 - India - Caste System
The Caste System was a way for the Aryan society to divide Indians into four different groups. These groups were based off of a person's wealth, birth, and occupation. Rules for the caste system says you are not allowed to marry people of another class, and you can't eat with another class. -
1790 BCE
3.4 - Babylon - Hammurabi's Code
Hammurabi's code was a set of laws that were developed by Hammurabi to establish rule and order in Babylon -
1600 BCE
8.1 - Mycenaeans
Although they were the second people to live on Greece they were the first to be considered Greek because they spoke Greek. They lived on the Greek mainland and established many colonies in Italy and Northern Greece so they're could ship goods around the Mediterranean. -
Period: 1600 BCE to 220
Ch.6 - Ancient China
From 1500 B.C. To 1050 B.C.The Shang Dynasty ruled over China. The Shang Dynasty is the first Dynasty we have solid proof for.
From 1050 B.C. To 400 B.C.The Zhou Dynasty ruled over China. They overthrew the Shang Dynasty to become the longest lasting dynasty in Chinese history
From 221 B.C. To 206 B.C.The Qin dynasty ruled over China. The Qin Dynasty unified all of China, but was the shortest lasting dynasty. -
1500 BCE
5.5 - India - Metallurgy
Early Indians were the inventors of metallurgy. The science of handling metals was called metallurgy. The Indians were very knowledgeable in making high-quality tools and weapon. This helped them do work easier and it also helped them on the battlefield. -
1500 BCE
6.1 - China - The Shang Dynasty
The Shang Dynasty was founded in China in around 1500 B.C. It was the first Chinese dynasty that we have solid proof to prove it was real. The Shang ruled over Northern China where it started in the Huang He or Yellow River. -
1500 BCE
4.3 - Egypt - Building an Empire
After a war with the Hyksos Egyptian leaders prevented future attacks by controlling all invasion routes into the kingdom. This meant that they made an empire which allowed them to grow rich and powerful. -
1500 BCE
4.5 - Kush - Egypt's Conquest of Kush
Over time Kush got wealthy and so did their army. As a result Egypt got scared of what may happen if Kush attacked Egypt so they conquered Kush to prevent that from happening. Kush was an Egyptian territory for 450 years. During this time they adopted Egyptian culture and other practices. -
800 BCE
8.3 - Ancient Greek Literature
Because the Greek people enjoyed their myths and stories they created many works of literature about it. A poet named Homer made two famous poems the Iliad and the Odyssey. Aesop made stories called fables to teach important life lessons. There was also performances called lyric poetry where people would sing poems along to music -
770 BCE
4.5 - Kush - Kush's Conquest of Egypt
With the power of Egyptian pharaohs declining as the New Kingdom was ending Kushite leaders was able to regain control over Kush. Around 200 years later Kush was able to rebuild itself to the power Egypt had feared 600 years ago and this time they Egypt was much weaker. One day a Kushite king attacked Egypt and in 716 B.C. his son fulfilled his legacy and conquered all of Egypt. -
Period: 753 BCE to 27 BCE
Ch.10 - The Roman Republic
The Roman Empire lasted from 753 B.C. - 27 B.C.
A republic was established from 509 B.C. - 270 B.C.
Political crisis struck Rome from 270 B.C. - 100 B.C. -
730 BCE
10.1 - Romulus and Remus
Romulus and Remus were the founding fathers of Rome. According to Legend they were raised by a wolf until they were adopted by a Shepard. To commemorate the location where the wolf had found them they decided to build a city there. Because of disagreements between them Romulus killed Remus and named the city Rome. -
600 BCE
5.2 - India - Hinduism
The basis for many Indian religions were the Vedic texts. As these texts blended with other ideas and views from other cultures it formed a religion. This religion is what we call Hinduism. Hinduism is currently the largest religion in India today. -
585 BCE
9.1 - Cyrus the Great
Cyrus the Great was born on 585 B.C. and died around 529 B.C. In his life he founded the Persian empire by leading a revolt for independence. Under Cyrus the Persian empire spread from Asia Minor to Southwest Asia to Hindu Kush. -
551 BCE
6.2 - China - Confucius
Confucius was a teacher that wanted to restore order in China by teaching ethics or moral values. His teachings are also called Confucianism. Confucius' teachings were compiled into a book called The Analects. Confucius was the most influential teacher in Chinese history. -
Period: 550 BCE to 30 BCE
Ch.9 - The Greek World
In 550 B.C. Cyrus the Great founded the Persian empire which lasted from 550 B.C. to 330 B.C.
The Macedonian empire lasted from 360 B.C. to 30 B.C. -
500 BCE
8.2 - Democracy
Democracy was a government system developed in Greece where the people of that country would rule for themselves. Political decisions were determined by the people who would vote for what they wanted. Democracy was made in 500 B.C. in Athens by a leader named Cleisthenes. -
500 BCE
9.4 - Philosophy
Philosophy is the power of the human mind to think, explain, and understand life. In Greece Gods were the explanation for everything, but in 500 B.C. people thought of different ways to explain life. These people were called philosophers and Greece had many famous philosophers including Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. -
Period: 500 BCE to
Ch.13 - Early African Civilizations
In AD 300 the Soninke grouped together for protection and started the beginning of Ghana until it collapsed around AD 1200.
In AD 1200 An empire named Mali started until around 1500 it collapsed.
In AD 1400 the Songhai empires rebelled against Mali and got freedom. In around AD 1600 it fell to Morocco.
In AD 1000 Great Zimbabwe was founded and fell around 1500 -
Period: 500 BCE to 1537
Ch.16 - The Early Americas
The Mayans lasted from 200 - 1500
The Aztecs lasted from 1325 - 1521
The Incans lasted from around 1400 - 1537 -
431 BCE
9.2 - The Peloponnesian War
The Peloponnesian war was a war between Athens and Sparta, two city states in Greece. This war had the capability to bring chaos to Greece for many years to come. It was the Spartan army which marched on to Athens in 431 B.C. that lead to a 27 year war which the Spartans eventually won. -
400 BCE
10.2 - Checks and Balances
Checks and balances was a government system that prevented one branch of a government to become more stronger than the others. Everytime a branch from the government proposes a law it has to be approved by all the other branches before it could take effect. -
356 BCE
9.3 - Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great took over the Macedonian kingdom when his father Philip II was murdered. Under Alexander the Great the Macedonian Kingdom conquered the Persian Empire to Egypt and to the Indus River. Alexander the Great died at 323 B.C. at the age of 33. He died in Babylon most likely due to a sickness. -
328 BCE
5.3 - India - Buddhism
The teachings of Buddha are what currently make the religion of Buddhism. Buddha was originally called Siddartha Gautama, a prince born in 563 B.C. He wanted to know why there was so much pain so he set out on a journey. One day he stopped at a tree and meditated for seven weeks. Then he suddenly realized why there was suffering -
264 BCE
10.3 - The Punic Wars
The Punic Wars were a chain of wars between Rome and Carthage. The wars first started when Carthage sent troops to Sicily and in response Rome did the same. War inevitably broke out for 20 years until the Romans forced the Cathegians out. 2 more wars broke out in 218 B.C. And then on 140 B.C. -
220 BCE
6.3 - China - Standardization
Standardization of language, currency, and measurements were enforced by Shi Huangdi in the Qin Dynasty. This made trading much easier and it made people feel more connected and unified. -
140 BCE
6.4 - China - Confucian Social Classes
The Confucian social system was a social hierarchy that differed from other hierarchy's. It ranked the emperor, his court, and scholars in government positions. Next surprisingly were the peasants which made up 90% of China's population at that time. This allowed a much more stable government and made the life of millions of farmers and peasants better. -
50 BCE
11.1 - Pax Romana
Pax Romana means Romans Peace and signifies a time frame in which the Romans experienced peace and growth. A strong government in Rome and organized army led Rome to grow wealthy and be safe. There were also no internal problems like rebellions. -
Period: 50 BCE to 1453
Ch.11 - Rome and Christianity
The period of Rome’s peace called Pax Romana lasted from 50 B.C. to 180 A.D.
Rome’s period of expansion was from 100 B.C. to 117 A.D.
The spread of Christianity lasted from 300 A.D. to 400 A.D.
Invasions hit the empire from 340 A.D. to 500 A.D. -
11.2 - Birth of Jesus
Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem where he studied laws and teachings of Judaism. When he was 30 he sought out to travel and teach about the religion. His teachings made up the New Testament of the Bible. Jesus chose 12 disciples to go along with him where He taught them them along the way. -
6.5 - China - Silk Road
The Silk Road was a 4000 mile long network of trade routes that extended west from China into Europe. The road was used by traders that took Chinese products to sell it off to distant buyers. Silk was by far the most popular product on the road which is why it's named Silk Road. This road made China very wealthy. -
14.2 - China - Paper
Paper was a Chinese invention invented during the Han dynasty. It is considered one of China’s greatest inventions among its already vast amount. Paper was a material that allowed people a cheap and easy way to keep records. Along with paper allowed the inventions of printing and paper money. -
13.1 - West Africa - Gold and Salt
Gold and Salt wee valuable resources to West Africans. Salt was used as a preservative to keep food fresh. Gold was highly valued and a tool for trading. -
13.4 - West Africa - Griots
Griots were storytellers of West Africa. They were highly respected and honored. Since West Africa didn’t have a written language the way their culture and history was passed on was through Griots who told stories of what happened. This is callled a oral history. -
5.4 - India - Gupta Society
In 320 A.D. The Gupta Society was formed. The empire united all of India where it continued to grow and prosper. The empire was primarily Hindu but it supported other religions in the empire such as Buddhism and Jainism. Gupta kings thought the Hindu caste system was a good system for their government so they implied it. Eventually in the middle 500s the empire collapsed -
17.1 - Europe - Southern Europe
Southern Europe was where a majority of people lived. The land was flat and steep, but it was near the coast making a lot of people traders or fishermen. People grew crops in the flatlands and raised animals in the hills. -
Period: 400 to 1200
Ch.17 - The Early Middle Ages
The Franks lasted from 480 to 1000
Invaders attacked Europe from 800 to 1000
Feudalism lasted from 1000 to 1500 -
11.3 - Goth Attacks
The Goths were a people group that threatened the life of the Roman Empire. At first the Romans payed them not to attack, but they stopped paying and the Goths attacked the Roman Empire. The Goths marched into Rome sending it into destruction. This was the beginning of the end for the Roman Empire. -
13.2 - Ghana - Silent Bartering
Silent Bartering is a trade technique used by Ghana to trade peacefully and to keep the location of the gold mines secret. People would trade salt and gold -
16.1 - Maya - 365 Day Calendar
Because of the Mayans advanced knowledge in astronomy due to their observatories they were able to develop accurate 365 days calendars. With this calendar they recorded important events and used it to help plan farming and other activities. -
Period: 550 to
Ch.15 - Japan
The Yamato was the first Empire in Japan they ruled from 550 to 710
Shoguns then ruled Japan from 1192 to 1868
The Minamoto clan took over from 1192 and other important shoguns include Tokugawa Leyasu who’s family ruled from 1600 to 1868 -
Period: 550 to
Ch.12 - The Islamic World
On 550 Prophet Muhammad was born until he died on 632.
In the mid 1200s the Ottoman Empire arose consisting of Muslim Turkish warriors.
Around 1500 an empire called the Safavid empire arose consisting of Persian Muslims.
Around 1500 the Mughal empire arose in India consisting of Turkish Muslims from Central Asia. -
12.1 - Prophet Muhammad
On around 570 Muhammad was born in Mecca to a rich family. While growing up he would see the rich help the poor, but this trend was slowly dying. Because of these changes Muhammad was concerned and meditated at the hills. When he was 40 an angel came to him and gave him messages that form the basis of Islam. -
15.1 - Japan - Prince Shotoku
Prince Shotoku was a regent that brought many Chinese ideas to Japan. He sent scholars to learn about China and come back to change Japanese society. Things they brought back included Confucianism and Buddhism -
14.1 - China - Reunification of China
China was in a state of disunion until 589 a man named Yang Jian reunified China. He was a ruler from the North, but he conquered southern China. In doing so he unified China and created the Sui Dynasty. -
Period: 589 to
Ch.14 - China
The Sui lasted from 589 to 618
The Tang lasted from 618 to 918
The Song lasted from 960 to 1279
The Yuan lasted from 1279 to 1368
The Ming lasted from 1368 to 1644 -
12.2 - Qur’an
The Qur’an is a collection of all the messages that Allah(God) gave Muhammad when he was alive. The focus in the Qur’an is that Allah is the only God and Muhammad is his prophet. It also gives rules for Muslims to follow which are Allah’s commands so they can have paradise when they die. -
17.2 - Europe - Charlemagne
Charlemagne was a skilled warrior which led the Frankish empire to their peak and conquered many people. He led his empire from France to the depths of Austria, Italy, and Spain. Charlemagne was also interested in education. Thus he built many schools and hired many scholars -
15.2 - Japan - Golden Age of Arts
Because of the Nobles great love for arts and culture the court at Heian became a center of culture and learning. This also helped start a golden age for art and culture that lasted from 794 to 1185. Many things like fashion,literature,architecture, and art flourished during this time period and make up a lot of Japanese culture. -
12.4 - Math
Muslim scholars combined Indian and Greek knowledge to for the foundation of modern algebra and to form the number system we use today. This Number system we use is called the Arabic numerals because it was from Arabia. -
14.3 - China - Confucianism
During the Song Dynasty Confucius’s teachings were still influencing the government. Confucius taught about ren and li principles of life. He also stressed education which reflected on the Song society. -
17.3 - Europe - The Manor System
The manor system was a system in which kings and lords traded land for protection . Kings and lords gave fiefs to knights who would protect it. The knights needed to farm too, but since they didn’t have time they employed peasants to farm the land in return for food. -
17.4 - Europe - Chivalry
Chivalry was a code of honors for a European knights to follow. Simple rules included how they had to be brave, loyal, and humble. They also included how to treat people and women. Because of the knights loyalty they were well admired in their societies. -
Period: 1000 to 1500
Ch.18 - The Later Middle Ages
In 1096 the first crusade started until the crusades ended in 1291.
The Magna Carta was signed in 1215.
The Black Death hit Europe from 1347 to 1351.
In 1492 Granada the final Muslim territory was captured signaling an end for the Muslim Moors. -
18.1 - Europe - The Split of The Church
In Western Europe people saw the pope as the leader of the church, but Eastern Europe saw different. The bishops in Eastern Europe had little guidance and questioned the popes authority. One bishop from Constantinople refused to recognize the popes authority so pope Leo IX excommunicated him leading to a permanent split of the church. -
18.5 - Europe - The Reconquista
The Reconquista was an effort from the Spanish to retake land from the Moors. Spain hadn’t been able to do this befor due to their kingdoms small size, but as the Moors power declined they seized the opportunity and finally under the leadership of Ferdinand and Isabella they retook the last Muslim territory in Granada. -
18.2 - Europe - Crusades
The Crusades were started due to Palestine and the Muslims causing trouble. The pope saw that the Muslims were starting to pose a threat to Europe so they sent people to eliminate the threat and also retake Palestine which was believed to be the Holy Land where Jesus lived. Many crusades were fought after this which helped shape Europe to what it is. -
18.3 - Europe - Universities
In this time of Europe people were wandering away from learning and indulging in religion, but some people wanted to gain knowledge leading to the creation of the university. These universities taught a variety of subjects and were started by the Church. -
15.3 - Japan - Shogun
The shoguns were generals who ruled in Japan in the name of the emperor making the emperor a figurehead. The shogun was a military leader and was considered the top in Japanese society. The shoguns ruled for 700 years until they collapsed. -
14.4 - Mongolia - Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan was the leader who united the mongol tribes. After doing so he formed an army that would go through Asia and Europe. He conquered many lands and gave the start to the biggest empire in world history the Mongol Empire. -
12.3 - Muslim Empires
3 Muslim empires expanded into Asia and parts of Europe after the 1100s. The Ottoman Empire was first consisting of Muslim Turkish Warriors in Eastern Europe, North Africa, and Arabia. The Safavid empire formed at the height of the Ottoman empire consisting of Persian Muslims in Persia. Last was the Mughal empire in India consisting of Turkish Muslims from Central Asia. -
Period: 1270 to
Ch.19 - The Renaissance and Reformation
The Silk Road reopened in 1200.
In the late 1300s a Renaissance began in Italy.
In mid 1400 the printing press was developed.
From 1500 to 1600 there were calls for reformation in the Church -
13.3 - Mali - Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa was the most famous ruler of Mali. He was so rich that he caused inflation to every country he went. He is a devout Muslim and into education. In addition to this he built schools and mosques. Though he was a great ruler his son caused the downfall of the empire to raiders or nomads -
16.2 - Aztec - Human Sacrifices
Usually after war all soldiers or slaves would be held captive for sacrifice. This meant Aztec priests would be able to carry out human sacrifices on these people to please the Gods. The Aztecs commonly sacrificed people with around 10,000 people a year. -
18.4 - Europe - The Hundred Years War
The Hundreds Year War was a war fought between England and France for nearly a hundred years. The war was fought due to the English king not being able to claim the title of Frances king. He then invaded them, but eventually got driven out of France. The war helped increase the English parliament power and increase the Kings power in France. -
19.1 - Italy - Renaissance
The Renaissance means to be reborn and that meant Italy was reborn when their interest in art and literature were ignited or reborn. The Renaissance is also a change of ideas and values as they valued indivuals and the past more. The are Renaissance started due to increased trade leading to increased wealth and more interest in arts. -
Period: 1400 to
Ch.20 - Science and Exploration
The Scientific Revolution was between 1540 to 1700
In 1492 Christopher Columbus found America.
In 1519 Ferdinand Magellan became the first person to circumnavigate the world.
In 1543 Nicolaus Copernicus was the first person to say the Earth revolved around the sun
Mercantilism was used from 1500 to 1800 -
16.3 - Inca - Distrbution of Goods
The Incas had a very organized economy partly due to their free distribution of goods and wealth. Many people worked for the government so the government distributes money fairly to everyone with the leftover money sent to be stored for emergencies. -
19.2 - Europe - Printing Press
The printing press was an invention developed by Johann Gutenberg. The printing press allowed books and texts to be printed and written way faster. This worked by having metal letter pieces fitted on a frame then having ink washed over them. After this a worker would press the press on a sheet of paper. This invention allowed for the Bible to be more available and made ideas more available throughout Europe. -
20.2 - Europe - Christopher Columbus Discovers the Americas
Christopher Columbus was an Italian sailor who wanted to find a shorter route to Asia by sailing west. He set sail and reached land that he thought was Asia, but he was wrong. He had ended up in the continent of North America, but lived his entire life thinking he had been to Asia. -
20.3 - America/Europe - The Columbian Exchange
After the Europeans had discovered the Americas they started trading with them. This trading brought many new crops and ideas to both regions.The Europeans brought many technologies such as guns and steel. While crops like bananas, coffee beans, and rice were traded. This trading brought many crops that would never have appeared elsewhere and helped both economies grow. -
19.3 - Germany - The 95 Theses
The 95 Theses were a list of 95 complaints made to the church that was nailed onto a church door in Germany. The 95 Theses was made by a priest by the name of Martin Luther and thanks to the printing press he made multiple copies that were spread to nearby states. The 95 Theses angered the Pope who excommunicated him, but the list eventually led to a split of ideas in the Church. -
Period: to
Ch.21 - Enlightenment and Revolution
The Enlightenment was from 1642 to 1800
Revolutions started from 1700 to 1800
In 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed -
21.1 - Europe - Enlightenment
The Enlightenment defined a period of time that highlighted people’s use of reason in ideas like philosophy, society, and politics. During this period of time many ideas were formed to build new worldwide beliefs like natural laws, reason, and humanism. This period of time was also heavily influenced by other eras of time where they questioned the world. -
20.1 - Europe - Sir Issac Newton‘s Laws
Issac Newton had created many theories and these theories have been proved to be true so many times these theories are now called laws. His most important law was the law of gravity that explained planets orbits, and why things fall. His other laws also include the laws of motion that helped explain the world better -
21.2 - America - Enlightenment in America
The ideas of the enlightenment started in Europe thanks to many philosophers, and these ideas also slowly spread to British colonists in America. As these ideas spread in America people started questioning authority and started fighting for their rights. People like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were influential in fighting for the rights of the people and help set up the future democratic government in the United States. -
21.3 - America - Declaration of Independence
As tension between the British government and the colonists grew colonists formed groups to protect themselves. Though these were just for protection fighting broke out in 1775. The colonists were unhappy with the unfair treatment that the British had imposed on them, but that all changed when in 1776 Thomas Jefferson signed the Declaration of Independence from the British that stated the people’s rights. -
Malaysia, I was born.
My family rejoiced as I was born and became the youngest person in the world for 1 second. -
Ch. 4 - Modern Day - Egypt - Social Hierarchy
In early Egypt there were 2 million people but only the pharaoh was the most powerful person so he was at the top. Then it goes from nobles, scribes and craftspeople, and farmers, servants, and slaves. Today that same system is in place today the prime minister is on top and then the wealthy to mid wealthy, and the poor. -
Ch.8 - Modern Day - America - Democracy
Democracy was first created in 500 B.C, in Athens. Today America still uses this system in their government. Although they are still using democracy they have a different type of democracy. Today America uses representative democracy where citizens elect officials to make decisions for them. Back then they used direct democracy where the citizens met up and vote on issues. -
Ch.9 - Modern Day - America - Greek Architecture
The ancient Greeks were known for their beautiful architecture and buildings. The most famous of these buildings was the Parthenon which was a building that used 46 columns to house a beautiful sculpture of Athens. Today many buildings copy this same design of the Parthenon. From banks to political buildings the people still use Greek inspired architecture. -
Ch.10 - Modern Day - America - Checks and Balances
Around 2000 years ago the Romans made a government system called Checks and Balances. This system prevented one branch of the government to be stronger than the others. Today the American government still uses this same system invented by the Romans in their government. -
Ch.11 - Modern Day - America - Christianity
Christianity first started as a separate idea in Judaism, but it separated itself as a separate religion and soon spread. The emperor Constantine spread Christianity through the Roman Empire and soon into the world. Today Christianity is everywhere being the biggest religion in the world -
Ch.12 - Modern Day - Malaysia - Islam.
Islam first started when Prophet Muhammad spread the message that Allah gave him. Along the way the Qur’an was written and Islam was growing in popularity. Today it has spread all over the world where many countries are predominantly Muslim and it has become one of the world’s biggest religions. -
Ch.5 - Modern Day - Malaysia - Hindu-Arabic Numerals
Our number system we used today was invented by Indian scholars. These concepts were then brought to Europe by the Arabs and then to the rest of the world. Today we are still using this system in day to day life and in many professions -
Ch.6 - Modern Day - Malaysia - Standardization
Standardization was first used by Shi Huagndi in the Qin Dynasty. He standardized multiple things like currency, language, and measurements. Today most countries in the world also follow the practice of standardization. They have also standardized the same things as Shi Huangdi and added more of their own to the list of standardized items. -
Ch.3 - Modern Day- Malaysia- Hammurabi's Code
Hammurabi's code was a set of laws developed by Hammurabi. These were the first set of laws ever developed. This built the foundation of today's current justice system of laws and rules that is applied everywhere in the world. -
Ch.14 - Modern Day - Malaysia - Paper Money
Paper a Money was first invented by the Chinese almost a thousand years ago. Back then they used it because it was light and convenient to help manage people’s money and wealth. Today we still use paper money for the exact same reasons. Paper money is used everywhere in this world and it all roots back to a thousand years ago. -
Ch.13 - Modern Day - America - Inflation
Mansa Musa was so rich that he caused the problem of inflation everywhere he went. Today we don’t suffer as bad as they did back then but inflation still exists in modern society. Money today is less valuable than 100 years ago. 1 dollar today is worth less than 1 dollar back then -
Ch.15 - Modern Day - United Kingdom - Figurehead
In Japan when the shoguns ruled they still had emperors. These emperors were then considered figureheads because they appeared to be in power yet power was with the Shoguns. Today we have a figurehead in Queen Elizabeeth she is considered a queen but has no power in the British government. -
Ch.16 - Modern Day - Malaysia - 365 Day Calendar.
Because of the Mayans skill in astronomy they developed a calendar that is still in use today. Though there may be a few changes. The general idea is the same. Today almost every country uses the basic principles of the Mayans calendar in theirs today. -
Ch.17 - Modern Day - U.S.A - Medieval Social Hierarchy
In the Middle Ages the king and queen is at the top Today that would be people in high ranking roles in the government and the rich elite . Then we have nobles. Nobles may be the upper class that earn more. Knights may be the middle class or the army. And peasants are those in poverty or lower class. -
Ch.18 - Modern Day - England - Universities
Universities were originally built by the Church to teach a variety of subjects with an emphasis on religion. Today we still have universities that teach a variety of subjects with an emphasis on learning. Many things about the universities back then are the same as today like having a fixed schedule, tests, and learning in groups. -
Ch.19 - Modern Day - Malaysia - Split in the Church
The split in the Roman Catholic Church was caused due to a conflict in ideas and beliefs. The people that opposed the churches beliefs or teachings became known as Protestants who started the Protestant Church. Today we still have this split and conflict in ideas between the churches -
Ch.20 - Modern Day - America - Columbian Exchange
In America most of the foods commonly eaten never existed before the Columbian Exchange. The Europeans brought many things like cattle, wheat, and chickens to America. If it hadn’t been for the Columbian Exchange the eating habits of people in America would be drastically different. -
Ch.21 - Modern Day - America - Enlightenment Ideas
When the Enlightenment began in Europe the ideas were influential to people’s rights and freedom. As it slowly moved to America the same trend happens. As the ideas were spread people started questioning British authority and became vocal. Eventually this led to the Declaration of Independence and the foundation for democracy in the country. If it weren’t for the enlightenment America may have been a very different place from what we know now.