2017-2018 Break up

  • I meet Ben April 2017

    Joe is on the boat in the Canary Islands. I meet Ben in Phoenix. Ben wants to pursue something but I want to deal with Joe and the boat first. There is no way Joe would have continued to help with the boat if I had broken up with him then. I told Ben we couldn't pursue anything at this time.
  • I fly to the Canary Islands May 2017

    I go to the Canary Islands to see the boat. Joe and I are not having an intimate relationship and though we are friendly and caring to one another, it isn't a good time. The relationship had been going downhill continuously since 2016.
  • June 2017

    Joe comes back to spend the summer in Whistler.
  • Joe leaves for the boat Sept 2017

    Joe leaves for Phoenix and then the boat at this time. We talk about him getting a job and finding his own place when he gets back.
  • Period: to

    Met Jared Dec 2017

    Met Jared at the gym in Fountain Hills and we had a relationship from end of Dec 2017 to Feb 2018 when I went to the Dominican.
  • I get back from the Dominican March 2018

    I am doing my best to stay away from Joe while he is back in Phoenix. I am still helpful because I don't want to leave anyone on the street and keeping the peace is easier than fighting. I am seeing other people at this time and have started using Tinder and Bumble.