
2016 Election

  • New Candidate

    Ted Cruz formally announces his candidacy for the 2016 presidential election on the Republican ticket.
  • Terror Attack

    Six to ten gunmen associated with the Islamic terrorist group Al-Shabaab open fired at the Garissa University in Kenya. Christians were their main target of the attack, with the Islamic extremists separating the Muslims from Christians before executing them. Up to three hundred students are unaccounted for. One hundred and forty-seven students were reported killed, with fears the toll will rise, along with seventy-nine wounded. Four gunmen were killed by security forces.
  • New Cadidate

    Rand Paul formally announces his candidacy for the 2016 presidential election on the Republican ticket.
  • New Candidate

    Hillary Clinton formally announces her candidacy for the 2016 presidential election on the Democratic ticket.
  • New Candidate

    Marco Rubio formally announces his candidacy for the 2016 presidential election on the Republican ticket.
  • Terror Attack Attempt

    Unsuccessful attack against 2 churches in Villejuif by an Algerian jihadist. He killed a woman probably when trying to steal her car but accidentally shot himself in the leg, putting an end to his plans.
  • Civil Unrest

    After days of peaceful protests, rioting and looting broke out following the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody. 34 arrested and 15 Officers injured. On April 27th, Looting continued after the funeral where an additional 15 officers were injured. Governor Hogan activated the Maryland National Guard and 500 State Troopers to aide in restoring peace to the city. Baltimore, Maryland
  • New Candidate

    Bernie Sanders formally announces his candidacy for the 2016 presidential election on the Democratic ticket.
  • Terror Attack

    In an incident at a Curtis Culwell Center, a school district owned events center, two Isis-affiliated assailants opened fire outside a Mohammed art exhibit in Garland, Texas. The two gunmen drove up to the Curtis Culwell Center and opened fire on a security guard. A local policeman, providing security for the event, returned fire, killing both suspects. One security guard was injured, but was later released from the hospital.
  • New Candidate

    Carly Fiorina formally announces her candidacy for the 2016 presidential election on the Republican ticket.
  • New Candidate

    Ben Carson formally announces his candidacy for the 2016 presidential election on the Republican ticket.
  • New Candidate

    Mike Huckabee formally announces his candidacy for the 2016 presidential election on the Republican ticket.
  • New Candidate

    Rick Santorum formally announces his candidacy for the 2016 presidential election on the Republican ticket.
  • New Candidate

    Martin O'Malley formally announces his candidacy for the 2016 presidential election on the Democratic ticket.
  • New Candidate

    Jeb Bush formally announces his candidacy for the 2016 presidential election on the Republican ticket.
  • Terror Attack

    White supremacist Dylann Roof shot and killed nine black people during a Bible study at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church.
  • New Candidate

    Donald Trump formally announces his candidacy for the 2016 presidential election on the Republican ticket.
  • New Candidate

    Jill Stein formally announces her candidacy for the 2016 presidential election on the Green Party ticket.
  • Terror Attack

    One attacker decapitated a person and blew up a gas canister in a factory in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, near Lyon. Two other people were injured. The attacker wrote unknown Arabic writings on the head and placed it near the entrance of the factory. The attackers claimed association with an Islamist organisation, leaving a flag behind.
  • Major Event

    Donald Trump states he wants to build a wall on the U.S. - Mexico border for the first time.
  • New Candidate

    Chris Christie formally announces his candidacy for the 2016 presidential election on the Democratic ticket.
  • Terror Attack

    24-year-old Kuwaiti-born American Muhammad Abdulazeez opened fire on a U.S. military recruitment center and a U.S. Navy Reserve center in Chattanooga, Tennessee, killing 4 U.S. Marines and a sailor, and wounding a Marine and a Chattanooga police officer. An investigation revealed Abdulazeez had been radicalized online by foreign Islamic terror group.
  • New Candidate

    John Kasich formally announces her candidacy for the 2016 presidential election on the Republican ticket.
  • Major Event

    First Presidential Forum held in Goffstown, New Hampshire, featuring 14 Republican candidates.
  • Major Event

    First official Republican debate held in Cleveland Ohio.
  • Terror Attack

    A man opened fire with an AKM assault rifle on a Thalys high speed train between Amsterdam and Paris. One person was shot in the neck. Two United States military personnel and their civilian friend intervened and stopped the attack continuing. One of them was cut in the struggle. Another passenger received glass cuts.
  • Major Event

    Second Republican debate held in Simi Valley, California.
  • Terror Attack

    Forty-one-year-old Iraqi citizen, identified only as Rafik Y stabbed a German policewoman in the neck. The policewoman was sent after she and her partner responded to calls of a man wielding a knife. The other policeman then shot Rafik and he died of his wounds.
  • Terror Attack

    15-year-old Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar shot dead an unarmed civilian police employee, working in finance, outside the NSW Police headquarters on Charles Street in Parramatta, New South Wales.
  • Major Event

    First Democratic Debate held in Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Major Event

    Third Republican debate held in Boulder, Colorado.
  • Major Event

    First Democratic Forum held in Rock Hill, South Carolina.
  • Major Event

    Fourth Republican Debate held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
  • Terror Attack

    A series of co-ordinated attacks began over about 35 minutes at six locations in central Paris. The first shooting attack occurred in a restaurant and a bar in the 10th arrondissement of Paris. There was shooting and a bomb detonated at Bataclan theatre in the 11th arrondissement during a rock concert. Approximately 100 hostages were then taken and overall 89 were killed there.
  • Major Event

    Second Democratic Debate held in Des Moines, Iowa.
  • Terror Attack

    A shooting and five-hour standoff with police occurred at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado. A police officer and two civilians were killed. Five officers and four civilians were injured. The suspected shooter, identified as Robert Lewis Dear, was captured alive after police convinced him to surrender.
  • Terror Attack

    Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, a married couple, stormed a county health department's holiday banquet in San Bernardino, California, fatally shooting 14 people and injuring 22 others while leaving a failed pipe bomb at the scene. Both perpetrators were shot and killed four hours later in a shootout with police forces. Malik pledged allegiance to Islamic State on the day of the shooting.
  • Terror Attack

    A man with a knife stabbed three people at the Leytonstone tube station in east London, reportedly screaming 'this is for Syria', before police used a stun gun on the attacker and detained him.
  • Major Event

    Fifth Republican Debate held in Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Major Event

    Third Democratic Debate held in Manchester, New Hampshire.
  • Terror Attack

    29-year-old Frenchman of Tunisian descent rammed over a civilian and a guard in an entrance of a mosque in Valence, Drôme, reportedly while chanting Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest). He then put his car into reverse to try to ram the soldiers again who fired warning shots and then fired to disable the driver.
  • New Candidate

    Gary Johnson formally announces his candidacy for the 2016 presidential election on the Republican ticket.
  • Terror Attack

    In West Philadelphia, in the late evening, a gunman shot Philadelphia police officer Jesse Hartnett, who was driving a marked police car. Hartnett survived, despite being shot multiple times in the left arm. He was able to get out of his car to shoot the fleeing suspect, Edward Archer. Later in the hospital, Archer claimed that he pledged allegiance to ISIS.
  • Major Event

    Sixth Republican debate is held in North Charleston, South Carolina
  • Major Event

    Fourth Democratic debate is held in Charleston, South Carolina
  • Major Event

    Seventh Republican debate is held in Des Moines, Iowa.
  • New Polls

    New Polls show Trump ahead with a slim lead in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada.
  • Primary

    Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton win the state of Iowa.
  • Suspended Campaign

    Martin O'Malley suspends his campaign
  • Suspended Campaign

    Mike Huckabee suspends his campaign
  • Suspended Campaign

    Rand Paul suspends his campaign
  • Suspended Campaign

    Mike Huckabee suspends his campaign
  • The Moment A Soul Died

    Please Clap
  • Major Event

    Fifth Democratic debate is held in Durham, New Hampshire
  • Major Event

    Eighth Republican debate is held in Manchester, New Hampshire
  • Primary

    Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders win the state of New Hampshire.
  • Suspended Campaign

    Chris Christie suspends his campaign
  • Suspended Campaign

    Carly Fiorina suspends her campaign.
  • Terror Attack

    An attacker (presumably Islamic) injures 4 in machete attack at a restaurant; attacker was shot and killed by police when he attacked police at the end of a car chase.
  • Major Event

    Sixth Democratic debate is held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • Major Event

    Ninth Republican debate is held in Charleston, South Carolina
  • Primary

    Clinton takes Nevada, while Trump wins South Carolina.
  • Suspended Campaign

    Jeb Bush suspends his campaign.
  • Primary

    Trump wins Nevada.
  • Major Event

    10th Republican Debate held in Houston, Texas.
  • Primary

    Clinton takes South Carolina.
  • Super Tuesday

    Georgia: Trump, Clinton Vermont: Trump, Sanders Virginia: Trump, Clinton Alabama: Trump, Clinton Massachusetts: Trump, Clinton Oklahoma: Cruz, Sanders Tennessee: Trump, Clinton Alaska: Cruz Texas, Cruz, Clinton Arkansas: Trump, Clinton Minnesota: Rubio, Sanders Colorado: Sanders
  • Major Event

    Eleventh Republican debate is held in Detroit, Michigan
  • Suspended Campaign

    Ben Carson suspends his campaign.
  • Primaries

    Kansas: Cruz, Sanders Louisiana: Clinton, Trump Kentucky: Trump Nebraska: Sanders Maine: Sanders
  • Primaries

    Maine: Sanders Puerto Rico: Rubio
  • Major Event

    Seventh Democratic debate is held in Flint, Michigan
  • Primaries

    Michigan: Trump, Sanders Mississippi: Trump, Clinton Hawaii: Trump Idaho: Cruz
  • Major Event

    Eighth Democratic debate is held in Miami, Florida
  • Major Event

    Twelfth Republican debate is held in Miami, Florida
  • Primary

    Cruz takes the Virgin Islands.
  • Primaries

    Northern Marianas: Clinton Washington D.C.: Rubio Guam: Cruz
  • Primaries

    Florida: Clinton, Trump Illinois: Clinton, Trump Missouri: Clinton, Trump North Carolina: Clinton, Trump Ohio: Clinton, Kasich Northern Marianas: Trump
  • Suspended Campaign

    Marco Rubio suspends his campaign.
  • Major Event

    WikiLeaks releases 30,000 emails from Hillary Clinton's private server.
  • Primary

    Sanders wins Democrats Abroad.
  • Primary

    Arizona: Clinton, Trump Idaho: Sanders Utah: Sanders, Cruz American Samoa Republican caucus is held; Ted Cruz and Donald Trump respectively secure one delegate each, majority of delegates remain uncommitted.
  • Primary

    Washington: Sanders Alaska: Sanders Hawaii: Sanders
  • Major Event

    First ever nationalized Libertarian debate.
  • Primary

    Cruz and Sanders take Wisconsin.
  • Primary

    Sanders takes Wyoming
  • Major Event

    Ninth Democratic debate is held in Brooklyn, New York.
  • Primary

    Trump and Clinton clinch New York.
  • Primaries

    Connecticut: Clinton, Trump Delaware: Clinton, Trump Maryland: Clinton, Trump Pennsylvania: Clinton, Trump Rhode Island: Sanders, Trump
  • Primary

    Trump and Sanders win Indiana
  • Suspended Campaign

    Cruz suspends his campaign
  • Suspended Campaign

    Kasich suspends his campaign
  • Primary

    Clinton takes Guam
  • Primary

    West Virginia: Sanders, Trump Nebraska: Trump
  • Primaries

    Kentucky: Clinton Oregon: Sanders, Trump
  • Terror Attack

    A 66 year old man, who had been released from bail hours earlier after police suspected that he had possessed a knife, stabbed four women outside Sainsbury's in Hampton. One woman was left with life-threatening injuries, another with serious injuries and two more with moderate injuries. The attack was described by police as a "revenge attack" for his arrest earlier that day. Ethem reportedly shouted Arabic terms, followed Islamism and targeted specifically older women.
  • Primary

    Trump takes Washington.
  • Nomination

    Trump surpasses 1237 delegates.
  • Primaries

    Clinton takes the Virgin Islands
  • Primary

    Clinton takes Puerto Rico
  • Nomination

    Hillary Clinton passes 2383 pledged delegates, the minimum amount of delegates required to secure the Democratic presidential nomination.
  • Primaries

    California: Clinton, Trump Montana: Trump, Sanders New Jersey: Trump, Clinton New Mexico: Clinton, Trump North Dakota: Sanders South Dakota: Clinton, Trump
  • Terror Attack

    49 people were killed when an alleged lone-wolf gunman entered the Pulse gay nightclub. Hostages were taken and the perpetrator, Omar Mateen, was shot dead by local SWAT units in an attempt to storm the building. The FBI classified the attack as an act of domestic terrorism motivated by Islamic leanings.
  • Primary

    Clinton wins Washington D.C.
  • Major Endorsement

    Sanders endorses Clinton
  • Terror Attack

    On the evening of 14 July 2016, a 19 tonne cargo truck was deliberately driven into crowds, by a supporter of ISIS, celebrating Bastille Day on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France, resulting in the deaths of 86 people and injuring 434.
  • Major Event

    Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump announces Indiana governor Mike Pence as his vice presidential running mate.
  • RNC

    Republican National Convention is held in Cleveland, Ohio. Donald Trump and Mike Pence are formally nominated for President and Vice President, respectively, by the party's state delegations.
  • Nominated

    Donald Trump formally accepts the Republican nomination
  • Major Event

    Democratic presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton announces United States Senator and former Virginian governor Tim Kaine as her vice presidential running mate
  • Major Event

    Wikileaks leaks 20,000 emails from the Democratic National Committee, revealing a systematic bias against Bernie Sanders from the Democratic Party leadership, leading to the resignation of DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
  • DNC

    Democratic National Convention is held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine are formally nominated for President and Vice President, respectively, by the party's state delegations
  • Terror Attack

    Two assailants killed a priest and seriously wounded a woman in a church in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray. The two assailants were killed by French Special Forces. The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Nominated

    Hillary Clinton accepts the nomination from the Democratic Party, becoming the first female presidential nominee of a major party in U.S. history.
  • Terror Attack

    A prisoner in a radicalization prevention unit wounded two prison officers. The detainee first assaulted a supervisor with an artisanal weapon. A second supervisor, posted at the entrance to the exercise yard, was also injured when he tried to help his colleague.
  • Foliage Frenzy

    Arrest warrants are issued for Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein and running mate Ajamu Baraka for trespass and vandalism during a North Dakota protest.
  • Terror Attack

    Around 9:30 am, a pipe bomb exploded in a trash can in Seaside Park, New Jersey, but no one was injured. Later that day at around 8:30 pm, a homemade pressure cooker bomb exploded in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan, injuring 29 people. A second pressure cooker bomb was promptly discovered four blocks away, but did not detonate. The following day, two homeless men discovered a backpack containing several pipe bombs, similar to the one that exploded in Seaside Park, in Elizabeth, New Jersey.
  • Civil Unrest

    Riots started in response to the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott by police.
  • Major Event

    First presidential general election debate was held at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York.
  • Major Event

    Only vice presidential general election debate was held at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia.
  • Major Event

    Tapes are leaked out from Access Hollywood showing Donald Trump and Billy Bush bragging about sexual exploits in 2005.
  • Major Event

    Second presidential general election debate was held at Washington University in St. Louis in St. Louis, Missouri.
  • Major Event

    The third and final presidential debate between the two major candidates was held at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in Paradise, Nevada.
  • Major Event

    James Comey announces that the FBI will be investigating newly discovered emails pertinent to its previous investigation of Hillary Clinton's private server.
  • Major Event

    James Comey tells Congress there is no evidence in the recently discovered emails that Clinton should face charges over handling of classified information
  • Election Day

    Donald Trump is elected 45th president of the United States of America.
  • Civil Unrest

    As a result of Donald Trump being elected 45th President of the U.S., thousands protested across twenty five American cities and unrest broke out in Downtown Oakland, California and Portland, Oregon. In Downtown Oakland over 40 fires started and police officers were injured. Protests in Portland were declared a riot with extensive criminal and dangerous behavior.
  • Electoral Vote

    The electors of the Electoral College meet in their respective state capitals (electors for the District of Columbia meet within the District) and formally vote for the President and Vice President, selecting Donald Trump and Mike Pence, respectively. Trump receives 304 electoral votes and Clinton receives 227 electoral votes. Seven faithless electors cast their votes for other candidates.
  • Major Event

    Electoral votes formally counted before a joint session of Congress; the President of the Senate formally announces the electoral result.
  • Inauguration

    Inauguration of the new President and Vice President.