Trump gets into politics
Trump has interview where he goes on dissect US politics. He doesn't believe Obamas Birth certificate is real as he questions his presidency. This contribute to early step for Trump getting into US Politics but it wasn't until june when Donald Trump announceed his candidantcy. Knowing this is interestinf because we hear Trumps motive behind his action is to improve America due to its stupid leaders. We see here his motive started when he believed Obama wasnt fit to serve as president. -
Donald Trumps poll numbers are liken to the stock market
In middle of the presidental race Donald Trump threw his polls away by the comments and claims against muslim with mexico. As offensive as he was, people were more scared if anything. But Donald showed true leadership and rise above threatning candidates with 25%. About 3% above Senator Ted Cruz. -
Fifth presidental debat turns into a blow out.
immigration being rather a hot topic in the race for presidency it was also the main debate between the republicans especially. Rather then stating their claims indivdually the Republicans set the tone for the rest of the race as Cruz continued to bash on everyones immirgration claims while defending his own claim. The political fight gets more and more agressive as candidates endure. -
Graham ends Campaign short
After fifth debate Gragams polls kept dropping. One of Grahams biggest claims or wants through presidency was to find a solution to handle the ISIS. Because of the tactful attention the subject on ISIS was during the debate Graham felt comfortable stepping down from the race. -
Cruz and Trump are neck deep!
AS the the candidates with the most potential rise to top of game its still anybodies win. Especially for Sentor Cruz and billonaire Trump. Polls and numbers have been rising for the two as Cruz is winning Lowa over as Trump is with New Hampshire, a critcial state to win over!