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2014 Holidays

  • New Years Day

    New Years Day
    New Day is the first day of the year.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day

    Martin Luther King Jr. Day
    Known for the "I Have A Dream" Speech
  • Valentines Day

    Valentines Day
    Love ..
  • Presidents Day

    Presidents Day
    Celebrate your president
  • St. Patricks Day

    St. Patricks Day
    Wear Green !!
  • April Fools Day

    April Fools Day
    Make a Joke !
  • Easter

    Easter Bunny & Egg time.
  • Earth Day

    Earth Day
    support the environment
  • Mothers Day

    Mothers Day
    Appreciate your mother
  • Memorial Day

    Memorial Day
    cherish those who served for our country
  • Fathers Day

    Fathers Day
    apprec iate your father
  • Independence Day

    Independence Day
    4 of july , fireworks !!
  • Labor Day

    Labor Day
    to honor working people
  • Halloween

    candy and customes
  • Veterans Day

    Veterans Day
    honor veterans of the armed force
  • Thanksgiving Day

    Thanksgiving Day
    to give thanks
  • Christmas Eve

    Christmas Eve
    the day before Christmas
  • Christmast Day

    Christmast Day
    Jesus Birthday