2012 summer

By jacobl
  • first day of summer

    I went swimming with my friends. We also played baseball. I also got to sleep in in the mornings
  • 4th of july

    We went to my aunts house and shot off fireworks. We also had a big bombfire. My whole family was there.
  • okoboji

    Went to okoboji with my family for a small vacation. We went to arnold park. We also went boating,fishing and jetsking.
  • cousins wedding

    Their wedding ws in cherokee ia. Also my brother had to be the ring bear in the wedding. After the wedding we went and danced at the wedding party.
  • colorado

    we went to coloado for our summer vacation. we went hiking,fishing, climbing. We also saw two elk and a bear.
  • my birthday

    We were in colorado during my birthday. When i got back though i got alot of money. I also got a ton of presents from my family.