2012 A Year In Review

  • Obama Unveils Plan for a Leaner Military

    Obama Unveils Plan for a Leaner Military
    Info Please
    President Obama appears at the Pentagon to issue an outlien for a new defense strategy. In this conference he discusses the need for a much leaner military but not weaker.
  • 60th Anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II's Succession.

    60th Anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II's Succession.
    This day marked the 60th year of Queen Elizabeth II's succession as Head of the Commonwealth and the anniversary of her holding the current rule of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
  • Troical Storm Irinia Kills 65-73 In Madagascar

    Troical Storm Irinia Kills 65-73 In Madagascar
    Fox News
    Tropical Storm Irinia is soid to have killed anywhere from 65-73 people. It hit the Indian Ocean Island late February 26th and made its way to the southeastern part of Madagascar. The victims of this storm were killed by lanslides, floods and much more.
  • North Korea Prepares to Launch Missle Despite International Disproval

    North Korea Prepares to Launch Missle Despite International Disproval
    Info Please
    North Korea said it was going to launch a ballistic missle only for the purpose of sending a satelite into orbit. This violated the accord that North Koreas signed with the United States to limit their use of its nuclear activities.
  • Cousin Gets Sent to Basic Training

    Cousin Gets Sent to Basic Training
    My cousin Mitchel Brown has signed up to go into the Air Force and on this day he is sent to basic training in Washington state. He will be there until December of this year and he will get to come home to visit for Christmas.
  • World Stock Markets Plunge

    World Stock Markets Plunge
    The Stock Market took a plunge for the worst on JUne 1st, 2012. In the later days of May the Stock Market was alreadt beginning to fall. Stockholders were selling off their stock shares to protect themselves. The DOW dropped 6%, the lowest it has been since 2009.
  • London Olympics Were Held

    London Olympics Were Held
    The 2012 London Olympics were held from July 27th to August 12th. London had hosted the Olympics twice before in 1908 and 1948. Over 10,000 athletes from 204 different National Olympic Committees competed in the 2012 Olympics.
  • Curiosity Mars Rover Lands

    Curiosity Mars Rover Lands
    Korea It Times
    The Mars Rover Curiosity lands on Mars on this day. It is said to have a 350 mile journey. It landed inside of Gale Crater and is currently exploring Mars.
  • 8 Afghan Women Killed in NATO Airstrike in Afghanistan

    8 Afghan Women Killed in NATO Airstrike in Afghanistan
    8 Afghan Women were gathering wood in the mountains when all of a sudden they were killed in a NATO Airstrike.The Afghans argue that they weren't informed of the airstrike and that the men when did it should be tried for murdering them.
  • Hurricane Sandy Hits Eastern United States

    Hurricane Sandy Hits Eastern United States
    Hurricane Sandy was ranked as the 18th named storm and the 10th of the year 2012. This hurrican was very devistating to the Northeastern part of the United States. It became the largest hurricna on record and caused $65.6 billion dollars of damage.
  • Barack Obama is Re-elected as President of the United States

    Barack Obama is Re-elected as President of the United States
    New York Times
    Barack Obama was elected as the US President for the second time. He defeated Mitt Romney by taking Colorado, Iowa, Ohio, New Hampshire, Virginia and Wisconsin.
  • My Cousin Came Home from Basic Training

    My Cousin Came Home from Basic Training
    My cousin Mitchell Brown returned home on this day from basic training to visit for Christmas. He will return back to Washington a few days later to complete his basic training and then he will be stationed in Maryland.