Period: to
In Arizona Senator Giffords was shot in the head
In Arizona Senator Giffords was shot in the head -
In Bahrain citizens take to the streets inspired by Egypt
In Bahrain citizens take to the streets inspired by Egypt -
Japan is devestated by earthquake and tsunamie
Japan is devestated by earthquake and tsunamie -
In the US NFL players return to meditaition
Osama bin Laden killed in Pakistan
Dallas beats miami for NBA title in US
government shuts down in Minnesota
In Saudi Arabia the presedent of Yeman leaves the hospital
In the US people mourn the 10th aniverery of 9/11
In the Philippines the 7 milionth person is born
In Pennselvania Former defensive cordinator of Penn state is charged whith 40 accounts of sexual abuse.
In England th German chancellor and Fremch president call for a change in a treaty