2010s: The EU, the environment and sustainable development

  • Social media was cerated

    Social media was cerated
  • Strategy Europe 2020

    Strategy Europe 2020
    Through the Europe 2020 Strategy, which seeks smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, the EU establishes a series of ambitious objectives to be achieved by 2020 and which are related to 5 main areas: employment, innovation, climate change, education and poverty.
  • Arab spring

    Arab spring
    The Arab protests of 2010-2013, known as the Arab Spring, corresponded to a series of popular demonstrations in clamor for, according to the protesters, democracy and social rights organized by the Arab population.
  • The EU won the nobel prize in 2012

    The EU won the nobel prize in 2012
  • Croatia, the 28th country in the European Union.

    Croatia, the 28th country in the European Union.
    Negotiations between the EU and Croatia continued until 2011, when the Accession Treaty was signed. A referendum was held in January 2012 and 66% voted in favour. Croatia finally became part of the EU, 10 years after the initial application.
  • Historic agreement signed in Paris

    Historic agreement signed in Paris
    The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change. It was adopted by 196 Parties at COP21 in Paris on December 12, 2015 and entered into force on November 4, 2016.
  • In 2016 UK decided to leave EU in a referendum

    In 2016 UK decided to leave EU in a referendum
    On 24 June 2016, the recorded result was that the UK voted to leave the European Union by 51.89% for Leave to 48.11% for Remain, a small margin of 3.78%.
  • The coronavirus starts spreading

    The coronavirus starts spreading
    The first cases of pneumonia detected in Wuhan are reported to the WHO. During this period, the virus is still unknown. The cases occur between December 12 and 29, according to Wuhan health authorities.