
  • Instagram

    In the year 2010, Instagram was released. It was originally made by Kevin Systrom, but was eventually sold to the parent company of Facebook in 2012. Instagram is still, to this day one of the most used social media platforms. It revolves heavily around the idea of sharing pictures and this is what split it from its competition.
  • Chromebooks

    In 2011, Chrome-books were released by Google. Chrome-books were a simple and accessible laptop that have been used plenty in schools. In every school I went to from middle school to high school, Chrome-books were handed out for schoolwork. They've likely been one of the leading factors for school work and classes becoming more digital as of recent.
  • Amazon Alexa

    in 2014, the Amazon Alexa was created by Rohit Prasad. Alexa helped popularize voice activated technology. Alexa wasn't the first of its kind. The year before, there was a technology called Ivona invented in Poland which was similar to Alexa. However, Alexa's functionality and amount of use is what separates it from the rest. Now, millions of households have one.
  • Iphone X

    In 2017, Apple released the iPhone X, skipping the iPhone 9 due to the number 9 having negative connotations in other cultures. The iPhone X has been described as a great phone that still to this day has good performance and usability.
  • Nintendo Switch

    In 2017, the Nintendo Switch was released. Handheld gaming has been a thing for a while. Even Nintendo has had plenty of success with it in the past with consoles like the 3DS and 2DS. However, the Switch might be one of their biggest successes as of recent. It's to this day, it's very sought over and Nintendo announced that they will continue to support the console through 2025 (they will likely go for longer) which is a long lifecycle for a console in this era.