
By minolan
  • 2001

    2001- The iPod In 2001 the first version of the iPod was released. This tool allowed users to access their favorite songs, audiobooks and movies through a portable device.
  • 2002

    2002 - The HDMI Cord
    The High-Definition Multimedia Interface is a cord that allows video data to visually transfer and project onto multiple displays.
  • 2002

    2002- The Blackberry The original smartphone was the first to have access to an internet browser.
  • 2003

    2003- Apple Bluetooth Mouse The Apple Bluetooth Mouse introduced in 2003 allowed apple users to use a computer through Bluetooth wireless connection. This made it easy for users to move more freely without wires, like presentations, gaming, and working between multiple displays.
  • 2004

    2004- Facebook In 2004 CEO Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook, a leading social media networking site. Facebook changed the way humans interact through technology