
  • Iphone

    The first Iphone made by Apple. One of the most popular phones. When it first came out more than 1.4 million bought the phone.
  • Lego Robot

    Lego Robot
    Made out of legos. Built during the holiday season. You can walk it around in your homes.
  • The Retail DNA Test

    The Retail DNA Test
    Personal DNA testing you can do at home. It made new discoveries about medical care. Most of the tests are accurate.
  • Apple App Store

    Apple App Store
    Most used app site. When the app was launched so was the Iphone 3. There's atleast 1,100,000+ apps.
  • The $10 Million Lightbulb

    The $10 Million Lightbulb
    Is LED lightbulb. The U.S. could save enough electricity per year to light 17.4 million households . Uses less than 10 watts and lasts 25,000 hours.
  • The AIDS Vaccine

    The AIDS Vaccine
    They invented the vaccine after 20 years of finding out that AIDS existed. They had tested the vaccine for six-years. The first AIDS vaccine killed 31% of the bacteria. Now today they have found better and stronger vaccines.
  • Google's Driverless Car

    Google's Driverless Car
    The car has driven itself 140,000 miles without crashing or getting into an accident. It first started in California. In California they have been driving them for a few years before advertising them.
  • Eyewriter

    You can use it with any eye problems. Helps people with any kind of eye syndrome allow to write or draw with your eyes.
  • The Medical Mirror

    The Medical Mirror
    It can tell your heart rate. There's a wedcam behind the mirror that captures refected light from your face. The picture translates into heartbeats.
  • Chromebooks

    The Chromebook was originally made in 2010, but they sold them in 2011. One of Google's most popular products. Has one of the highest selling laptops on the market.
  • Techpet

    Bandai, the company, that made virtual pets. You can download the TechPet app on your Iphone. You can command the puppy to do tricks.
  • PS4

    Lighter than than other game councles. Has Blu-Ray disc drive. Is cheaper than Xbox 1.
  • Windows 8

    Windows 8
    Better improvements from Microsoft. Has a newer style of app stores. Chrome internet browser is used for Windows 8.
  • Polaroid Socialmatic Camera

    Polaroid Socialmatic Camera
    It's a mini Polaroid camera that can print ink-less photos. It's touch screen and was made in 2012, but was released and finished in early 2014.
  • Tooth 'Tattoo' Sensor

    Tooth 'Tattoo' Sensor
    Resaerchers at Princeton University has done research to help stop tooth decay. Alerts you if you have disease or bacteria in your mouth. Monitors your body before disease can take hold.