• 2007

    I only remember few things back then when I was 5 years old. We only use radio to listen music, and news because we can't afford to buy television that time so we use this kind of media to get information.
  • 2010

    We used television as one of the types of media to get information and get updated on what's happening around us, also we used this because it contains entertainment like drama, movies and etc.
  • 2013

    In this year we used newspaper and magazines as a source of information even though we had television and radio we still use this kind of media because we lived in Manila it's trendy and timely to use newspaper and magazines that time.
  • 2016

    In this year we used a lot of different types of media like television and radio and cellphones. We started to used cellphone this year because a lot of people using Social Media and internet to get information and news that's why I preferred to used this as source of information
  • 2021

    In this year we still used the same media or technology like television, radio, computer and cellphones but because of the advancement of technology the media we're using now is more become advance to the point that we can get information faster than before.