2008 Recession
The Great Recession started because the housing bubble burst, which resulted in sharp cutbacks in consumer spending, and a large increase in unemployment. This was a component of the savings deficit, and was a result of monetary and fiscal policy.
http://stateofworkingamerica.org/great-recession/ -
London G-20 Meeting
At this meeting, countries came to an agreement to try to alleviate the lack of trade by adding $250 billion to the amount provided by government and banking.
This was part of the monetary policy, and was a trade deficit.
https://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/oes/disc_papers/ECE_DP_2010-2.pdf -
The Affordable Care Act helps make the public health insurance in our country more accessible and effective for those who need to use it through a variety of reforms including taxes, subsidies, and the protection of consumers.
This falls in the category of leadership and it is part of the fiscal policy.
http://obamacarefacts.com/obamacare-facts/ -
American Taxpayer Relief Act 2012
The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 confirmed that 82% of Bush's tax cuts are permanent. Their choice to make the tax cuts permanent are a positive thing because taxes are lesser, but overall it hurts the national debt.
http://www.cbpp.org/research/budget-deal-makes-permanent-82-percent-of-president-bushs-tax-cuts -
Budget Deficit 2016
As Obama leaves office, he has nearly doubled the national debt. The USA's budget deficit was declining, but has now increased due to some of the policy's invoked by the president who is soon to be leaving office, meaning the next president will have to tackle debt and a budget deficit. This is part of the fiscal policy because the budget deficit is a fault of the government.
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-08-28/obamas-parting-gift-20-trillion-public-debt-and-rising-budget-deficit -
Impending Leadership
America is questioning how Trump or Clinton will handle the budget deficit when they come into presidency, and the candidates are avoiding the question because the budget deficit is so intimidating. This is a fiscal issue, and relates to both a leadership and budget deficit.