Conduct first meeting by Utah.gov team for website redesign
Gather content for Kids Portal
Conduct various brainstorming meetings this month
Finalized and prioritized the major ideas for the redesign this month
Produced illustrations for Kids portal through October
Research and gather content for Tranparency website
Digitized and animated illustrations for Kids Portal through October
Develop Kids Portal
Design prototype for Transparency website
Conduct Location Aware brainstorming meeting
Design Utah.gov prototypes - First round completed
Design Forms Portal - Administration section
Develop Drop Down Design
Design "Explore Utah.gov" in Flash
Design "What’s New" in Flash
Design Subscription/Email Portal
Research Mobile Applications - Objective-C
Research Mobile Applications - Web application
Research Widget - Services Finder
Research iPhone Application - Utah Dictionary/Reference
Research iPhone Application - Services Finder
Design Secondary Page Design
Design Utah GovCast/Multimedia Portal
Design Forms Portal - Public Search and Search Results pages
Design Location Aware for homepage
Design Utah.gov prototypes - Second round completed
Design Blog Portal
Design Blog Portal - Administration tool
Develop Blog Portal - Client side coding
Develop iPhone application for Utah.gov (native)
Develop iPhone application for Professional License Lookup and Verification (native)
Design iPhone App for Professional License and Lookup
Design iPhone App for Utah.gov
Design Utah.gov prototypes - Third round completed
Complete acceptance testing of mobile applications
Research Subscription options
Submit iPhone applications for approval to the Apple Store
Design Utah.gov prototypes - Fourth round completed
Develop Location Aware homepage
Gather local online services data for Location Aware
Design Utah GovCast (Multimedia portal) - Administration tool
Skin Subscription/Email Portal
Gather Legislative data/districts for Location Aware
Gather school data for Location Aware
Select final Utah.gov protype
Develop "Explore Utah.gov" in Flash
Develop Forms Portal - Client side coding
Develop Forms Portal - Administration section to add, edit and categorize
Apply new design to Utah.gov portal homepage
Review redesign with Directors, Dept. of Technology Services, State of Utah
Design Secondary Page section headers
Develop Multimedia Videos
Review redesign with Product Management Council, Dept. of Technology Services, State of Utah
Develop "What's New" application changes
Develop Multimedia Database
Develop Blog Portal aggregator
Develop Blog Database
Develop Forms Search Database
Develop Location Aware portal
Finalize "What's New" categories
Develop Forms Portal - Spidercrawler
Skin subportals
Skin subportals, Alerts.utah.gov, Business.utah.gov, Careers.utah.gov, Español.utah.gov and Seniors.utah.gov with secondary page design -
Review redesign with Utah Interactive staff
Convert subportals into static (SSI) sites
Convert subportals, Alerts.utah.gov, Business.utah.gov, Careers.utah.gov, Español.utah.gov and Seniors.utah.gov into static (SSI) sites. -
Revisit Mobile CSS cross-device standards
Research Public Meeting Notice changes for homepage and widgets
Research GeoIP solutions for Location Aware
Gather Government Buildings Data for Location Aware
Gather Parks information for Location Aware
Gather Alerts List and Content for Utah.gov
Gather Home Page Navigation Content
Apply new design to secondary Utah.gov pages
Develop Multimedia Administration Section for item submission and review
Develop Subscription portal application
Gather Widget data
Gather content for ListServ Subscription
Gather content for Accessability Policy for Utah.gov
Gather content for Self Help/ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Design Utah.gov Mobile CSS, iPhone, Blackberry and Android
Review redesign with Governor's office for approval on site design and features
Compile Microblog List for Blog portal
Compile Video blog List for Blog portal
Design Widgets for Public Meeting Notice
Design Widgets for iGoogle Utah News
Develop Widgets for Public Meeting Notice
Develop Widgets for iGoogle News
Develop Utah.gov Mobile portal for iPhone, Blackberry and Android
Gather content for Multimedia portal and YouTube
Develop page for all ListServ and RSS feeds
Develop Administration section for adding RSS feeds
Develop page for microblogs and videoblogs
Redesign website based on feedback from focus group
Write Best of the Web award submission - First draft
Skin Utah.gov on YouTube channel
Develop Transparency site
Write Best of the Web award submission - Second Draft
Complete browser testing
Complete links testing
Complete acceptance testing
Complete acceptance testing of Utah.gov portal, Location Aware, Forms Search, "What's New, Utah GovCast (multimedia portal), Blog portal and Widgets. -
Submit Best of the Web award submission
Conduct focus group with random sample of citizens