2000s significant computer inventions

  • ThumbDrive is put on market.

    ThumbDrive is put on market.
    USB storage was faster and had more space than older storage devices allowing easier transfer and better portability for files. the inventor of the ThumbDrive is debated as the company that first sold it Trek 2000 international claims to have invented it however others have also made similar claims including 3 employees of M-System and Israeli company, named Amir Ban, Dov Maran and Oran Ogdan who filed and were granted the patent for the drive.
  • YouTube Founded

    YouTube Founded
    YouTube brought video sharing to the general public easier and for free. it was founded by three ex PayPal employees Chad Hurley (left), Steve Chen (middle), and Jawed Karim (right).
  • one laptop per child initiative

    one laptop per child initiative
    founded by Nicholas Negroponte. the initiative was designed to help secure technology for schools in less developed countries. The first offering to the public required the buyer to purchase a computer to be given to a child in the developing world as a condition of acquiring a one for themselves. by 2011 over 2.4 million have been shipped. this initiative gave many the chances to experience and learn from technologies they otherwise wouldn't have had access to.
  • First 1TB Hard Disk Drive

    First 1TB Hard Disk Drive
    Hitachi Global Storage Technologies released the first 1TB HDD The Hitachi Deskstar 7K1000. By comparison, the first HDD had a storage capacity of 3.75 MB which means that the Deskstar has a larger storage capacity by a factor of 300,000 and was a lot smaller.
  • cloud-based network-attached storage solutions

    cloud-based network-attached storage solutions
    vendors announced cloud-based network-attached storage solutions for online backups. they were designed for businesses and general consumers to allow servers to automatically back up data to remote servers. they were intended to add data protection. they also provided easy data recovery.