Capsule 616x353

2000s-2020s Call of Duty time line

  • The Birth of Call of Duty

    The Birth of Call of Duty
    Call of Duty is a 2003 first-person shooter game developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. It is the first installment in the Call of Duty franchise, released on October 29, 2003, for Microsoft Windows.
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    The rise of call of duty

    Call of Duty series Rises into popularity fastly this era starts and ends from 2003-2006
  • Start of the Modern Warfare series

    Start of the Modern Warfare series
    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007) introduced a new, modern setting, and proved to be the breakthrough title for the series, creating the Modern Warfare sub-series. The game's legacy also influenced the creation of a remastered version, released in 2016.
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    The Golden Era of CoD games

    starts with the the launch of CoD 4 which brought it a lot of player who fell in love with until the end of the Goldern era Ending off at CoD Ghosts
  • Birth of The favorite series Black Ops

    Birth of The favorite series Black Ops
    The creation of everyones favorite series Black ops and one of the main Call of duty Staples and is one of the defining games of the Golden era of Call of duty also made the Zombies game mod Even more popular
  • Peak of the golden era Black ops II

    Peak of the golden era Black ops II
    The game That Made the peak of the Golden era also arguably had the best multiplayer in CoD history it also had some of the most fan favorite MP and Zombies maps ever to be made everything about Black ops 2 was perfect
  • End of the Golden era Call of Duty Ghosts

    End of the Golden era Call of Duty Ghosts
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    End of the golden era of cod

    End of the Golden era and the beginning of the Jetpack era a lot of people stopped playing CoD it was sad for all the players who played throughout the Golden era because every game released from 2007 till 2013 was a hit after hit
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    Entrance of the Jetpack age

    the Jetpack era started gamers either loved it or hated it it was a very rocky time and considered a Fad in the CoD series Lasting from Advanced Warfare till Infinite Warfare
  • Dawn of the jetpack Call of Duty Advanced Warfare

    Dawn of the jetpack Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
    The Jetpack era kicks off at Advanced Warfare Launching in 2014 gamers didnt feel good or bad about this game some liked it some hated it. it was not the best time for COD
  • Infinite Warfare one of the biggest CoD fails

    Infinite Warfare one of the biggest CoD fails
    the last Jetpack CoD game to come it disappointed the fans because they didnt want a jetpack game and people were tired of it. the trailer for the game is one of the most disliked videos on youtube.
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    End of the Jetpack era

    The Jetpack era ends with the last game being a disaster and people are happy it ended
  • Back to boots on the ground Call of Duty WW2

    Back to boots on the ground Call of Duty WW2
    The first boots on the ground game released in 2017 and first WW2 game in a decade not many people liked the game at first because of its buggy launch
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    Return of Boots on the ground

    the time Call of Duty went back to its roots and made a lot of players come back
  • reboot of MW series

    reboot of MW series
    Modern warfare series makes a BIG return calling back all the Og players back who fell in love with the first game it was also boots on the ground and one of the most popular Modern CoD's