2000's Timeline

  • Period: to

    2000's Timeline

  • Game cube release

    This was a big step in the gaming industry. Graphics became so much better, and the controller was much more effective. I'm not sure who the creator was.
  • Windows XP

    Windows XP was one of the most popular versions of windows software. It built upon its predecessor windows 2000 and made a very user friendly experience. It was created by Bill Gates.
  • Facebook

    This isn't necessarily a computer invention, but it was a big deal for computers. The introduction to social media definitely caused people to spend much more time on their computers. It was created by Mark Zuckerberg.
  • First Iphone released

    This was a revolutionary moment because it allowed us to have portable computer in our pockets at all times. It was created by Steve Jobs.
  • Bing

    Bing has always been a very big search engine. It hasn't been the most popular search engine released, but it was still a big deal.