
  • Sony Playstation 2

    Sony Playstation 2
    Made by Sony, the 2nd generation of their consoles provided better gameplay and graphics!
  • iPod

    Apple allows us all to bring our music on-the-go! This idea, paired with Itunes, revolutionized how we purchase and store our music.
  • Blu-Ray Disc

    Blu-Ray Disc
    Blu-ray is launched this year. The technology not only brought us a much better visual and audio experience but Blu-Rays could hold more date
  • Facebook

    Mark Zuckerberg created an online social platform originally designed to be used just by Havard students. It gained so much popularity that it quickly became a worldwide platform for people to connect, share and shop online.
  • Kindle

    Amazon's Kindle is debuted. Kindle brought us the world of e-books and being able to carry around all your books at once. Most people still prefer to read a physical book, but the convenience of this technology has opened our world in terms of reading.