
  • Date #1

    On Sept 11, 2001 terrorists hijacked four aircraft Two were flown into the Twin Towers in New York City and one into the Pentagon in Washington D. C. Passengers overpowered the hijackers in the fourth plane and crashed it into rural Pennsylvania
  • Date #3

    Hurricane Katrina This was the costliest natural disaster in US history
    It cost 125 billion dollars in damage When the levees broke, large parts of New Orleans were submerged
    1,245 people died
  • Date #2

    Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan Afganistan was the longest war in American history. It lasted from 2001 – 2022 The war in Iraq lasted from 2003 – 2014
  • Date #4

    the creation of the virtual community, found in Internet companies such as Facebook, My Space and Twitter
  • Date #5

    The Great Recession This was the most significant downturn since WWII This recession lasted from Dec 2007 until Jun 2009
  • Bonus

    It's my birthday
  • Date #6

    Osama bin Laden is killed After more than a decade, Osama bin Laden is killed during a raid in Pakistan After years of looking, the CIA track him down and in May, Navy Seals storm his compound and kill the originator of the 9-11 attacks
  • Date #7

    The Coronavirus/COVID 19 started in Wuhan China

    March 11, declared a world wide Pandemic
    A new Upper respiratory disease that is highly contagious.
    Total cases in US as of 2022-80,648,481
    Total deaths in US as of April 2022- 987,601