9/11 attacks
These attacks were the ones that hit in the US. They changed the way the US does foreign policy. This cost the world and the US billions of dollars. The US was involved and al-Qaeda. This would lead the the war on terror and the US fight in the middle east. -
Resolution 1368
Resolution 1368 was made the day after 9/11. This was that all countries would help take down those who did 9/11. They were going to hunt everyone down who was involved in 9/11.This made countries increase the fight against terrorism. Most of the main NATO countries were involved. The outcome is that the US will now go to war. -
Authorization for Use of Military Force
Lets the USA forces and allies fight them who did 9/11. This lets the president use almost any force to take down the terrorists. It was signed back then for the 9/11 attacks and is now used for ISIS. Only one person out of the senate and house of reps said no to this. This gives the US and its allies the power to attack the terrorists. This would lead to war. -
War in Afghanistan begins
We sent troops into Afghanistan right after 9/11. The US was going after Osama bin Laden. The US and the rest of nato were fighting in Afghanistan. 26,000 civilians were killed in this part of the war. -
Guantanamo Bay detention camp
George bush opened this place up in 2002. Inmates are there forever without trial. Obama wanted to close the camp but congress would not let him. They have used tortured in the camp. The US and Cuba because that is where the camp is. The outcome is that the camp is still open today. -
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441
Saddam Hussein one last chance the give up to the US. This had been set out in other resolutions. They might also have nukes in Iran. Iran was doing some illegal things. USA, UK, Russia, China where the main involved. They would end up getting Hussein. -
protests against the war on terror
After the invasion of Iraq people were not happy. These people were from all over the world. They were protesting the war of terror.There were about 36 million people in 3,000 places. The US to the Uk it was everywhere. Nothing really changed with the war on treeor. -
war in Iraq begins
Bush sent in troops to take down Saddam Hussein. The US thought they had WMD. Bush also thought he had terrorists in Iraq. Those involved were the US, UK and Australia. -
War in North-West Pakistan
There was believed to be terrorist in Pakistan. So the US sent in troops to Pakistan. This was part of the war on terror. Who is involved US, UK, Pakistan, Taliban, ISIS. They are still fighting today in Pakistan. -
war in Somalia
The US backed the Ethiopia army to fight Somalia. In Somalia, it was a fight between all the Somalia militias. This war lasted from 2006-2009. The outcome is the fight would strat up again in 2009. -
Operation Neptune Spear
This was the operation that they killed Osama bin Laden. Osama bin Laden was the one behind 9/11. The outcome was bin laden had been killed. This had mainly the help of the US. -
war in Iraq ends
The Iraq war lasted 2003-2011. On the allied side of things, they lost 25,000 men. On the other side, the terrorists lost 34,000 men. The outcome is we found no WMDs and Obama would pull out the troops in 2011. -
Edward Snowden
Snowden leaked information about the US. Snowden leaked information about the USA and foreign problems. The US and Foreign places using phone companies. Snowden had to flee the country. The outcome is now the people know the NSA and others are spying on the people. -
Libyan Civil War
The war is people fighting over the land of Libyan. The main fighters are the Council of Deputies. The other fighter isIslamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The US is backing Council of Deputies. There is no real outcome yet because they are still fighting. -
War in Afghanistan ends
This was the end of the war in Afghanistan (2001-2014). The nato and Afghanistan forces lose up to 27,000 men. The terrorists lost anywhere from 25,000 to 40,000. Altought this ended in 2014 the US and allias would go back to war in 2015.