Technology Progression

  • Adobe Photoshop

    Adobe Photoshop
    Adobe Photoshop was created in 1987 by two brothers Thomas and John Knoll. They eventually decided sell the software to Adobe and then it was distributed a year after and is now one of the most used tool for digital art.
  • Text Messages

    Text Messages
    Neil Papworth sent the very first text message from a PC to a Orbitel 901 hand set
  • Amazon

    Amazon was created by Jeff Bezos. It was first used as an online marketplace for books. Now it is known as "the everything store" you can order anything you need and have it on your doorstep that same day!
  • iPod

    Invented by Steve Jobs, It quickly became popular and held the slogan "thousand songs in your pocket" everyone fell in love with the easy to use features and portability.
  • Twitter

    Created in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams. It is known for its brief text posts. It allowed users to share their thoughts, opinions and anything they'd like to talk about.