
2000-2010 Technological Innovations

  • Windows XP

    Windows XP
    Created by Microsoft (which was founded by Bill Gates), Windows XP set a precedent for all Windows operating systems to follow it. This is especially significant, seeing as Windows is by far the most widely-used operating system.
  • Beef Sandwich

    Beef Sandwich
    A god amongst men, Keith L. Thedford II was engineered by scientists at NATA (National Aeronautics and Trolling Administration) by combining every funny joke, 24 karats of solid gold, and an undisclosed amount of euphoria-inducing chemicals via the process of Centripital mixture. Please don't dock my grade for this incredibly funny joke.
  • Facebook

    Created by Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook grew to be more than just a social media site, it grew into a technological juggernaut. Facebook increased mainstream use of social media and revolutionized the online advertising industry as a whole.
  • Nintendo Wii

    Nintendo Wii
    Created by Nintendo in 2006, the Nintendo Wii was released; it is now the 4th highest selling console (not including handhelds) of all time, selling over 100 million units! It has only been surpassed by the Playstation 1, 2, and 4.
  • iPhone

    The iPhone was created by Steve Jobs (RIP). While there are technically smartphones that precede the creation of the iPhone, iPhones are definitely the first mainstream smartphone to hit the market. It probably doesn't need to be said as to why this is incredibly significant.
  • Google Chrome

    Google Chrome
    Google Chrome was released to Microsoft Windows in 2008 and is now the most commonly used web browser worldwide.