

  • Ipod

    The Ipod was created in 2001. This started an ever-growing chain of handheld apple products. Steve jobs created the ipod and released it with Macintosh.
  • Nintendo DS

    Nintendo DS
    The nintendo DS was launched in the us in 2004 by hiroshi yamuchi. This dual screened consoled was his original idea and revolutionized nintendo gaming.
  • Nintendo wii

    Nintendo wii
    The nintendo wii lead the way for other movement controlled games. They made video games about playing with your family.
  • Kindle

    Jeff bezos instructed amazon to create the first e reader. The kindle changed the way we thought about e books and created an entirely new way to consume them.
  • Iphone

    The orignal iphone changed everything! Steve jobs created launched the iphone Revolutionizing the way that people thought about their phones. Smart phones began and people began carrying a computer in their pocket. A touch screen mobile device that gave you everything you needed.