
  • Ericsson T36

    Ericsson T36
    This was the first bluetooth capable cell phone, and it was created in 2000 by Jacobus Cornelis. This is significant because it was the first mobile phone to utilize bluetooth techology, meaning it was the founder of what we use every single day with our cell phones.
  • Micro SD

    Micro SD
    Micro SD was a significant invention that changed formatting of data forever. It was invented in 2004 by SanDisk, and offered 512 mb of storage.
  • Facebook

    Facebook, created in February of 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg. This is a social media platform that connected people from around the world, giving access to a public social platform with just the use of internet.
  • Twitter

    Twitter is a social media platform based around expression that was released in march of 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams. This is important to society as a whole because this social media helped spread ideas and thoughts to larger audiences, and with friends.
  • Blue-ray Disc

    Blue-ray Disc
    Blue Ray Discs are a product invented in June of 2006, these discs revolutionized screening for everybody. Blue ray provided new capabilities, for example one could now store several hours of high-definition video at 720p or even 1080p.