Period: to
Maria Ludwig Michael Mies
He called his buildings "skin and bones"
architecture -
Garden City
By Sir Ebenezer
Howard -
Period: to
Lúcio Costa
In Italy by Tommaso Marinetti -
Dynamism of a dog on a leash
Giancomo Balla -
Dynamism of a cyclist
Umberto Boccioni -
House with external elevators
Antonio Sant Elia -
Citta Nuova
Antonio Sant Elia -
Period: to
Dom Ino House
Designed by Le Corbusier -
De Stijil
Begin in Leiden, Netherlands by Theo Van Doesburg -
Walter Gropius
Founded the Bauhaus in Weimar, Germany -
III International Monument
By Vladimir Tatlin -
Period: to
Period: to
Gropius is the principal of the school
Period: to
Bauhaus in Weimar
Journal L'Esprit Nouveau
By Le Corbusier and Ozenfant -
Period: to
Art Deco in New York
Period: to
In Moscow, Russia by the Soviet Government -
Friedrichstraße skyscraper
Debut of Mies Van der Rohe -
Glass Friedrichstraße skyscraper
Debut of Mies Van Der Rohe -
Glass Skyscraper
taller curved version of Friedrichstraße skyscraper, -
Ville Contemporaine
By Le Corbusier -
International Style
Haus Am Horn at Weimar, Germany by George Muche -
Period: to
Bauhaus in Dessau, Germany
ShrÖder House
In Utrecht by Rietveld -
Art Deco
In France -
L'Esprit Nouveau Pavilion
Built for the 1925
Paris International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts by Le Corbusier and Ozenfant -
Plan Voisin
By Le Corbusier, bulldoze most of central Paris
north of the Seine and replace it with his sixty-story cruciform towers -
First Formal Building of the Bauhaus
Iconic Building -
Weissenhof State
Period: to
Meyer is the principal of the school
Period: to
Bauhaus in Berlin
Period: to
Ville Savoy
Located in Poissy by Le Corbusier -
German Pavilion for the Barcelona exposition
By Mies Van der Rohe -
Villa Tugendhat
In Brno, Czech by Mies Van der Rohe -
Period: to
Mies Van Der Rohe is the last principal of the school
Fine Arts Palace
Adamo Boari & Mariscal -
La Ville radieuse
By Le Corbusier -
Revolution´s Monument
Carlos Obregón & Emilie Bernard -
Period: to
The first architects to be appointed to the project were Albert Mayer and Maciej Nowicki.
After the death of Nowicki, Le Corbusier was commissioned -
Villa Göth
By the Swedish architect
Hans Asplund -
Unité d'habitation in France
By Le Corbusier -
Secretariat Building
By Le Corbusier in Chandigarh,
India -
The Smithsons' Hunstanton School
in Norfolk -
Sugden House
Church of Notre Dame du Haut
By Le Corbusier in Ronchamp,
France -
Plan of Brasília
By Lúcio Costa -
Introduced by the architect and urban
planner Denise Scott Brown and architectural
theorist Robert Venturi in their book Learning from Las
Vegas -
Period: to
Staditsches Museum
By Hans Hollein in Munich -
Venice Biennale
By Aldo Rossi -
Neue Staatsgalerie
By James Stirling in Stuttgart, Germany