2 months
- begins to smile
- coos
- begins to hold head up
- pays attention to faces
4 months
1.Likes to play with people
bargains to babble
3. lets you know if he/she is happy/sad
4. holds on steady unsupported -
6 months
1.likes to look at self in mirror
2.responds to sound by making sounds
3.Brings things to mouth
4. begins to sit without saport -
9 months
They can push up to a crawl position, sit back down, and pivot to pick up a toy. to pull to a stand up. -
1 year
Sit without leaning on anything or being held up. Belly crawl, scoot or creep on hands and knees. Pull to stand and move. -
2 year
Imitate others.
Know the uses of ordinary things, like a brush or comb.
Gain new words or speak at least six words. -
3 year
Kick a ball.
Start to run.
Climb on and down from furniture without help.
Walk up and down stairs while holding on. -
4 years
4 years- Speak clearly using more complex sentences
Count ten or more objects
Correctly name at least four colors and three shapes
Recognize some letters and possibly write his or her name -
5 year
Draw a person with a body
Stack 10 or more blocks
Use a fork and spoon
Dress and undress, brush teeth, and take care of other personal needs without much help -
6 years
Understand the concept of numbers.
Know day from night and left from right.
Be able to tell time.
Be able to repeat three numbers backward.