2 months
begins to smile
turns head towards sounds
pays attention to faces
can hold head up and begins to push up when lying on tummy. -
4 months
likes to play with people and might cry when playing stops
begins to babble
lets you know if they are sad or happy
holds head steady unspported -
6 months
likes to play with others
responds to own name
brings things to mouth
begins to sit without support -
9 months
may be afraid of strangers
understands "no"
plays peek-a-boo
crawls -
1 year
has favorite things and people
tries to say words you say
copies gestures
may stand alone -
18 months
may be afraid of strangers
says several single words
scribbles on his own
walks alone -
2 years
gets excited with other children
says sentences with 2-4 words
builds towers with four or more blocks
kicks a ball -
3 years
dresses and undresses self
names a friend
does puzzles with three or four pieces
runs easily -
4 years
enjoys doing new things
tells stories
uses scissors
hops and stands on one foot for 2 seconds -
5 years
is aware of gender
speaks very clearly
counts 10 or more things
swings and climbs