The birth of Claudius Ptolemy
Period: 100 to 165
Geocentric Model
Period: 100 to 165
Predicted the position of the celestial bodies in the sky
Ptolemy’s Book
The death of Claudius Ptolemy
Feb 19, 1473
The birth of Nicholas Copernicus
His uncle sent him to the University of Krakow to begin his studies
Nicholas then went to complete his studies in law and medicine, and ended up at the University of Padua
He created his first short, titled Little Commentary, that he shared to his astronomy friends.
He completed his detailed astronomical manuscript that included the heliocentric theory. He was inspired to create this manuscript because of his love for astronomy, but he held off publishing the manuscript in fear of controversy and nog enough data.
May 24, 1543
The death of Nicholas Copernicus
Feb 15, 1564
The birth of Galileo Galilei
Galileo begins teaching mathematics at the University of Pisa
Galileo begins teaching mathematics at another university; University of Padua
Galileo publishes a dialogue called “The Starry Messenger”
The death of Galileo Galilei
The birth of Sir Isaac Newton
Period: to
Issac Newton Lifespan: including major discoveries in his lifetime and what inspired him to do it
Proving that all colors make a white light
The famous apple fell from his grandparents tree and inspired him to start studying the force of gravity
Became a Mathematics professor at Cambridge
Newton’s most famous book was created. Included the three laws of motion, and this helped everyone understand gravity and gravitational force within our planet.
These laws also helped create the Law of Universal Gravitation
Was the Royal Society President up until his death
Newton published his second book Opticks
The death of Sir Isaac Newton
The birth of Dmitri Mendeleev
Mendeleev realized that their are new developments in chemistry, so he began lecturing about the subject
Mendeleev had no textbook that included the new the information so he wrote one named the “Organic Chemistry”
The birth of Marie Curie
He had a dream about all the elements in a table arranged in a certain order.
Mendeleev then went on to write two volumes of the principles of chemistry
Curie did excellent in school and wanted to further her education
Curie marries a french scientist named Pierre Curie
Marie and Pierre work together to discover an element that is 400 more times radioactive. The element is Polonium named after Poland
The death of Dmitri Mendeleev
The death of Marie Curie
In 2012, the periodic table has 118 elements. Some are named after famous scientists such as Mendelevium (Mendeleev), Einsteinium (Einstein), Rutherfordium (Rutherford)