2.3 Timeline

  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    What the people reassertioin of rights again an oppressive ruler
  • Mayflower Compact

    it was the first doc to establish self-gov in the new world
  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

    it was an early agreement between the colonial communities that established a representative government best on number of Massachusetts colonies
  • English Bill of Rights

    It outlined specific constitutional and civil rights
  • French and Indian War

    provided great britain enormous territiorial gains in north america
  • First Continental Congress

    Serve as the governing body of the 13 American colonies during the American revolution
  • Second Continental Congress

    Raise armies, directing strategy, appointing diplomates ad the olive branch petition.
  • Albany Plan of the Union

    The first important proposal to convince teh colonies as a collective whole united uner one government
  • Declaration of Independance

    it established for the first time in world history a new nation based on the first principle of the rule of law
  • Articles of Confederation

    it provided enough of a structure for the nation to survive during those 8 years
  • Shay's Rebellion

    exposed the weakness of the government under the articles of confederation
  • Virginia Plan

    it created the idea of representation according to population
  • New Jersey Plan

    favored giving control of the federal government to the states
  • Three-Fifths Compromise

    every enslaved American would be accounted as three-fifths for a person for taxation and representative purposes