The allies consisted of Britain, France, Russia, and Italy. -
Central Powers
The Central Powers consisted of Germany and Ausrtia-Hungary. -
Assassinaton of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
On June 18, 1914 a Serbian nationalist killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. -
Schleiffen Plan
the Scheiffen Plan was a plan designed for an attack on France once Russia mobilized toward the German border. The execution of the plan led to Britain joining the war. -
Sinking of British Liner Lusitania
A German U-boat sank the British Liner off the coast of Southern Ireland. Of the 1198 people that dies 128 of these people were Amerrican. -
Sinking of the British Liner Arabic
A German U-boat sank another Britishlinerdrowning 2 Americans. -
Battle of Somme
Was a batlle of the First Wold War fought by the armies o fthe British and French Empires against the German Empire. -
Sinking of French passenger liner Sussex
A German U-boat torpedoed a French liner with American passengers. -
Zimmerman Note
A telegram by the Germans to Mexico promising them Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico for waging war on the United States. -
Selective Service Act of 1917
The act required men to register with the government, so that they could be selected for the draft. -
Convoy System
A heavy guard of destroyers escorting mechant ships across the Atlantic -
War Industries Board
Ecouraged compaines to use mass production techniques to increase efficiency -
Committie of Public Education
First propoganda organization to promote the war -
Espionage and Sedition Acts
A person could be fined up to 10,000$ and nup to 20 years in jail for going against war efforts -
Second Battleof the Marne
The turning point of the war. allies advance steadily after defeating the Germans. -
Austria-Hungary surrenders to the Allies
Austria-Hungary surrenders on Novembe 3, 1918. The same day that German sailors mutinied against the government. -
Establishment of German Republic
the kaiser stepped down from the throne, and 9 socialist leaders starrted a republic -
Cease-Fire and Armistice
Germany agreed to cease-fire and the war ended. -
National War Labor Board
Dealt with disputes between management and labor -
Food Administration
Declared on day a week meetless, another sweetless, two days wheatless, and two other days porkless