1st Period

  • 400

    ~430, Leucippus

    ~430, Leucippus
  • 406

    Democritus and His Contributions to the Atomic Theory

    Democritus and His Contributions to the Atomic Theory
  • Period: 410 to 476

    Fall of the Roman Empire

  • Period: 476 to May 29, 1453

    Dark Ages

  • Period: May 1, 1400 to


  • Emilie du Chatelet

    Emilie du Chatelet
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Antoine Lavoisier

    Antoine Lavoisier
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
  • Amedeo Avogadro

    Amedeo Avogadro
  • Michael Faraday

    Michael Faraday
    Michael's FacebookDevelopes the laws of electrolysis
  • Sir William Crookes-Discovers the element Thalliuim

    Sir William Crookes-Discovers the element Thalliuim
    Sir William Crookes
    Sir William Crookes, British atomic physist, discovered the element thallium in 1861. He also invented the Crookes Tube, which he used in many experiments while dealing with thallium, led to other inventions by other scienists, such as the X-Ray.
  • John Newlands

    John Newlands
    Facebook of John Newlands: Click to learn about John Newlands' life, along with his discovery the "Law of Octaves".
  • Dmitri Mendeleev

    Dmitri Mendeleev
  • Henri Becquerel

    Henri Becquerel
  • Marie Curie - The Discovery of Polonium and Radium

    Marie Curie - The Discovery of Polonium and Radium
  • Max Planck - Quantum Theory

    Max Planck - Quantum Theory
  • J.J. Thomson

    J.J. Thomson
  • Geiger and the Geiger Counter

    Geiger and the Geiger Counter
  • Facebook of Robert Andrews Millikan

    Facebook of Robert Andrews Millikan
    Facebook: Robert Andrews Millikan
    Robert Andrews Millikan lived from 22nd March 1868 until the 19th December 1953. He was born in a small town in Illinois and wen to both a college and university. He was a famed physisist who had been known for his work with the charge of the electrons and his work on the photoelectric effect.
  • The Confirming of the Max-Wien Theory

    The Confirming of the Max-Wien Theory
  • Lord Ernest Rutherford

    Lord Ernest Rutherford
  • Henry Moseley

    Henry Moseley
  • Niels Bohr

    Niels Bohr
    Niels Bohr Facebook In the fall of 1913, Niels Bohr used past study's information to create an atomic theory. Today, this is known as the "Bohr's Model." This says that there are rings full of electrons around the nucleus of an atom.
  • Period: to

    Worl War I

  • Einstein and Energy

    Einstein and Energy
  • Wolfgang Pauli and the Exclusion Principle

    Wolfgang Pauli and the Exclusion Principle
    Wolfgang Pauli's Facebook Page
    Wolfgang Pauli is best known for his Exclusion Principle, also known as the Pauli Principle. This principle explains the structure of electrons in an atom. In fact, Albert Einstein nominated him for the Nobel Prize for this achievement, which he received in 1945.
  • Louis de Broglie

    Louis de Broglie
    FacebookMade theorys of duality
  • Freidrich Hund

    Freidrich Hund
  • Schrödinger's Equation

    Schrödinger's Equation
    Edwin Schrödinger's FacebookOne of the most important equations of the century was published and explains wave mechanics.
  • Werner Heisenberg

    Werner Heisenberg
  • Max Born and the probability of locating a particles position

    Max Born and the probability of locating a particles position
    Max Born is best known for his statistical analysis of how subatomic particles behave. His studies of the wave function led to a reassessment of the original quantum theory by replacing the explanation of electrons as particles with a more accurate mathematical and statistical interpretation of the observed behavior of electrons. His work contributed to the understanding of the nature of quantum mechanics. Born Won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1954.
  • Chadwick and the Neutron!

    Chadwick and the Neutron!
  • Enrico Fermi

    Enrico Fermi
  • Hideki Yukawa and the Prediction of the Meson

    Hideki Yukawa and the Prediction of the Meson
  • Period: to

    Advent of useful computers

  • Otto Hahn Facebook Page

    Otto Hahn Facebook Page
    Otto Hahn Facebook PageOtto Hahn is known as the "Father of Nuclear Chemistry" and his discoveries of nuclear fission between 1934 and 1938 with Lise Meitner and Fritz Stressmann lead directly to the invention of the atomic bomb,
  • Period: to

    Worl War II

  • Nuclear Fission, Lise Meitner

    Nuclear Fission, Lise Meitner
  • Seaborgium Arrives; Glenn Seaborg

    Seaborgium Arrives; Glenn Seaborg
  • George Sudarshan

    George Sudarshan
  • Murry Gell-Mann Facebook

    Murry Gell-Mann Facebook
  • George Zweig Facebook

    George Zweig Facebook
  • Japan-Tsunami
