1st Industrial Revolution

  • Election

    Since the Federalist Party had fallen. The Democratic-Republican Party lead the country.
  • Election

    Due to how bad the last election went, Jackson split from his current party to create the Democratic Party.
  • President Jackson

    He considered himself a people person. Property qualifications for suffrage were dropped, Appointed officials in Washington who Jackson liked and not for there talent.
  • Tariff

    It was called Tariff of Abominations by Calhoun, it was passed to protect US industries from cheap British goods.
  • Nullification Crisis

    States had the right to refuse to follow laws passed by the congress.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Jackson offered to purchase tribal lands in the East in exchange for lands further West, outside of existing US state borders.
  • Cherokee

    over 15,000 Cherokees signed a petition in protest, but it was ignored. The Court said that Jackson cannot not invade the lands but he ignored it and did it anyway. Most of the Cherokee were moved out but some did not leave.
  • Trail of Tears

    Jackson's successor, President Van Buren will force the remaining 20,000 Cherokee to move at Rifle point. It was 800-mile trip to Oklahoma, 5,000 will die on this march.
  • Abolitionists

    Fredrick Douglass was born into slavery and was taught by the owner's wife. Once he was free he protested segregated trains by sitting in carts reserved for whites.
  • The American System

    It was a plan to unite the different regions of the country and create a strong and stable economy that would make the country self-sufficient.
  • Regions of The American System

    North-Produce manufactured goods to sell to the rest of the country.
    West-Use of National roads,canals,and federal aid to help the link to the West with the North.
    South-Produced the Cotton to be used in the North.
  • Industrialization on the North

    Two systems of recruitment emerged to bring in labor supply to textile mills. It recruited young women and children to work in factories.
  • Industrialization in the South

    The South is not developing industrially and commercially like the North. Southern climate less suitable to industrial development
  • William Henry Harrison

    He was the Chosen Candidate from the Whig Party and he will win the Presidency. During his speech he got pneumonia and died one month later.
  • Whig Party

    Jackson's harsh political tactics, several Democratic Party members left the party to form the Whig Party.