1st generation compturer

1st generation of computers

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    1st generation computer

    A vacuum-tube computer, now termed a first-generation computer, is a computer that uses vacuum tubes for logic circuitry. Although superseded by second-generation transistorized computers, vacuum-tube computers continued to be built into the 1960s. These computers were mostly one-of-a-kind designs.
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    2nd generation computer

    The second generation computers were used during 1957-1963. They are also known as transistor computers. The second generation of computers consists of two types of devices, transistors, and magnetic core.
  • 3rd generation computers

    3rd generation computers
    The computers of third generation used Integrated Circuits (ICs) in place of transistors. A single IC has many transistors, resistors, and capacitors along with the associated circuitry. The IC was invented by Jack Kilby. This development made computers smaller in size, reliable, and efficient.
  • 4th generation computer

    4th generation computer
    Fourth Generation of computers was between 2000 to 2008. These computers used the VLSI technology or the Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits technology. Therefore they were also known as the microprocessors. Intel was the first company to develop a microprocessor.
  • 5th generation computer

    5th generation computer
    In 2009, Japan was invented the FGCS (Fifth Generation Computer System). Computers of this generation are based on microelectronic technology with high computing power and parallel processing. This is the most recent and technologically advanced computer generation.