1st Big Wave of Immigrants (Alana and Brooke)

  • Beginning of 1st Big Wave of Immigration

  • African Immigration

    African Immigration
    African Americans were brought over against their will to work as slaves.
  • Immigration Wave

    Immigration Wave
    German, Scottish, and Irish immigration to America
  • Scottish Migration

    Scottish Migration
    New era or Scottish migration as a result of the Act of Union between England and Scotland
  • German Palatine Migration

    German Palatine Migration
    immigrants settled in Hudson Valley and Pennsylvania due to the devastation caused by the wars of Louis XIV
  • Scottish Irish Emigrate

    Scottish Irish Emigrate
    Due to absentee landlords, high rent, and short leases in New England the Scottish Irish emigrated to Pennslyvania
  • German and Scottish Irish Colonization

    German and Scottish Immigrants from Pennsylvania colonized Virginia Valley in the Carolina back country.
  • Naturalization Act

    The English Parliament enacted the Naturalization Act, which conferred British citizenship on alien colonial immigrants in an attempt to encourage Jewish Immigration.
  • Population reaches 1 Million

    Population reaches more than 1 million
  • Scotch-Irish Immigration

    Severe crop failure and the depression in the Ulster linen trade brought a new influx of Scottish-Irish to the American colonies
  • British Emigration Suspension

    The outbreak of hostilities in American colonies caused the British government to suspend emigration.
  • End of 1st Big Wave of Immigration