1st admendemnt

1st amendment

By mgb4554
  • ordinance of religions

    ordinance of religions
    Virginia legislature adopts the Ordinance of religion. Anglican church was the official church and forbid harassment on the differences of the religion.
  • The federalist

    The federalist
    The papers are a unique collection of 85 essay written by Alex Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay using ratification the constitution. Hamilton writes the subject of the press declaring "the liberty of the press shall be inviolably inviolably preserved"
  • 10 amendments

    10 amendments
    Virginia is the 11th state to approve the 10 Amendments, thereby accepting the the Bill of Rights
  • The Sedition Act

    The Sedition Act
    John Adams over looks the Sedition act.Jefferson introduces other presidents to give states the power to decided the sedition act. Then Franklin is arrested under the Sedition act for libeling John adams
  • Sedition act

    Sedition act
    Congress let the sedition act expire, Jefferson forgives all person convicted under the Act. They punished people for who put false information against the governments.
  • House of representatives

    House of representatives
    The house of representatives adopts gag rules.The house revoke the rules in 1844
  • "on liberty"

    "on liberty"
    John Stuart Mill publishes "On Liberty".This essay grows bigger and bigger about the argument that if the speech is free and the search for knowledge.
  • New York Journal

    New York Journal
    President Lincoln, a union commander, The New York Journal of commerce and the New York World and arrests the newspapers' editors after both papers publish forged presidential proclamation.
  • 14th amendment

    14th amendment
    The 14th amendment was approved. It requires that no state shall "deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process."
  • Comsock law

    Comsock law
    reformer Anthony Comstock successfully lobbies congress to pass the Comstock law. This laws main point is "Trade in and circulation of,obscene literature and immoral use,"
  • Espionage act

    Espionage act
    Congress passed the act, making crime to "willfully cause or attempt to cause misbehavior,disloyalty, riot,or refusal of duty in the military or naval forces.
  • Scope monkeys trail

    Scope monkeys trail
    The scopes monkey trail occurs in Dayton,Tennessee John Thomas Scopes is found guilty breaking the Tennessee. Prohibits teaching the theory of evolution of public school.