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1st Amendment

By Yes7578
  • The First Amendment Origin

    The First Amendment Origin
    The origin of it comes from people wanting to have freedom and religious freedom without it being enforced onto them by the British ruler and church.
  • The First Amendment

    The First Amendment
    The first amendment would first be proposed in 1789 but would be ratified with the other amendments in 1791 but the first amendment would begin what allowed the evolution and mass media through freedom of speech and press.
  • Freedom of Speech

    Freedom of Speech
    The freedom of speech is one of the guaranteed rights within the first amendment which allows us to speak freely without being silenced by the government.
  • Freedom of Religion

    Freedom of Religion
    The Freedom of Religion guarantees the freedom to practice religion and prohibits the government from establishing a religion, or setting up a church.
  • Freedom of the Press

    Freedom of the Press
    The Freedom of the Press, prevents the government from interfering with the dissemination of information.
  • Freedom of Assembly

    Freedom of Assembly
    The Freedom of Assembly but mainly the right of the people to “peaceably assemble” which means to gather to protest nonviolently or picket.
  • Freedom of Petition

    Freedom of Petition
    The Freedom of Petition is the right to petition protects our right to ask the government to fix a wrong or change a policy.
  • The Freedom of Redress of Grievances

    The Freedom of Redress of Grievances
    The Freedom of Redress of Grievances is the right to file suit or also known as a lawsuit against the government.
  • The Freedom of Lobbying

    The Freedom of Lobbying
    The freedom of lobbying is similar to petitioning the government as in supporting a certain politician with money as a way of backing them up. Though it is a question of debate on how this is very close to the line of bribery.
  • First amendment in modern America

    First amendment in modern America
    In Modern times this amendment allowed for us to be able to speak freely without the governments intervention and control over us though with some costs to it with politicians instead controlling media a bit in its own way but we are allowed to criticize others and the government.