1st amendment

By 230277
  • Creation of America

    Creation of America
    this was when america claimed independence from the United Kingdom after being mistreated and abused by the king.
  • Creation of the Bill of Rights

    Creation of the Bill of Rights
    With Americas new found country we needed a base set of rules that would be the building blocks for this nation. 12 amendments were created America only used 3-12
  • Ratification of the Bill of Rights

    Ratification of the Bill of Rights
    Bill of Rights, effective December 15, 1791. James Madison proposed the U.S. Bill of Rights. The 1st amendment represented freedom of speech and press
  • Roman Catholicism

    Roman Catholicism
    back in this time Roman Catholics where shames all around Europe so they decided to move to America to escape discrimination and have a chance in the free world.
  • National Labor Relations Act

     National Labor Relations Act
    This act allows the use of unions in private and public companies, the unions help create better wages and working conditions.
  • Your Miranda Rights

    Your Miranda Rights
    The Miranda warning, which also can be referred to as a person's Miranda rights, is a right to silence warning given by police in the United States to criminal suspects in police custody before they are interrogated to preserve the admissibility of their statements against them in criminal proceedings.
  • McCarthyism

    this was during the events of the cold war were America was in a red scare after multiple people were accused of being communist and sent to jail without any evidence. this ruined many life's and careers. This was at time of war and during this time you could not insult our nation as that was seen being a traitor
  • civil rights movement

    civil rights movement
    The First Amendment played a crucial role in the struggles of the civil rights movement of the 1950s- ’60s, when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and countless others engaged in sit-ins, protests, marches and other demonstrations to force social change.The rights of free speech and assembly enabled civil rights protesters on the streets of Birmingham and Selma, Ala., and other cities throughout the South to force society to improve the treatment of African-Americans.
  • Tinker V. Des Moines

    Tinker V.  Des Moines
    this was during the Vietnam war when a school student had been effected by the war because some of her family members were lost in the war. To protest the war she and her friends wore black arm bands around their arms. The school didn't like this and started suspending any kid caught with the arm bands around their arms.
  • Ferguson protests

    Ferguson protests
    after the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson a lot of people rioted in the streets to protest the cop even though the cop wasn't in the wrong. everyone that was protesting had the right to do so, as long as they were not getting to violent.
  • Presidential Tweets

    Presidential Tweets
    every couple of days our president would rather tweet out something hes doing instead of making an announcement. This is not the traditional way presidents usually do this but he had the right to distribute information any way he wants.
  • protesters outside white house

    protesters outside white house
    about everyday around the gate of the White House is surrounded by protesters because almost everyone has an issue with our new president