1s-Amanda R- Jayde D

  • Marxists Revolutionaries split

    Marxists Revolutionaries split
    Marxists revolutinaries disagree over revotuionary tactics.the more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everythinng. The charsmiatic Vladimir Lenin becomes the leader.
  • Russian's loss leads to a revolt.

    Russian's loss leads to a revolt.
    news to reported Russians loses sparked unrest at home and led to a revolt in the midst at the was.
  • Storm of the winter palace

    Storm of the winter palace
    About 200,000 workers and their families approched the czar winter palace. Carried a petition for better working conditions, freedom,ect. Nicholas II's generals are ordered to fire on the crowd and 1,000 injured, and several 100 dead
  • The first Duma

    The first Duma
    The first duma emt it's leaders were moderates who wanted Russia to become a constitutional monachy similar to britian. But because he was hesrtant to share his power, the czar dissolved the duma after ten weeks
  • Drag Russia into ww1

    Drag Russia into ww1
    NIcholas II made the decision to drag Russia into world war 1. Russia was unprepared and 4 million Russian soliders had been killed wounded, or taken prisoner.
  • city wide strike

    city wide strike
    Women textile workers in petrograd led a city wide strike. In the next 5 days riots flared up over shotrtages of bread and feul. nearly 200,000 workers stormed the streeets. At first the soliders obeyed orders to shoot the rioters but later sided with them.
  • storm of the winter palace.

    storm of the winter palace.
    Without warning armed factory workers stormed the winter palace in petrograd, calling themselves the Bolshevik Red Guards, they over took government offices and arrested the leaders of the provisonal government.
  • The treaty of Brest-Litovski

    The treaty of Brest-Litovski
    Russia and Germany signed the treaty of Brest-Litovski, Russia surreendered a large part of it's territory to Germany and it's allies. The humilisting terms of this treaty triggered wide spread anger among many Russians.
  • Rage in Rusia

    Rage in Rusia
    civil war raged in Russia , several western nations including the united states, sent military aid and forces to Russia to help the white army.
  • plan put aside

    plan put aside
    Lenin temporarily put aside his plan for a state-controlled ecconomy, instead he resorted to a new form of natronalism the NEP.
  • Lenins stroke

    Lenins stroke
    Lenin suffered a stroke. as general secretary of the comnunist farly, he worked behind the scenes tomove his supporters into position of power.