19th Dynasty

  • Period: 870 BCE to 869 BCE

    Ramesses I

    Ramesses I was the first pharaoh and the founder of the 19th Dynasty. He ruled over Egypt from 870 to 869 B.C.
  • Period: 869 BCE to 840 BCE

    Seti I

    Menmaatre Seti I, the second pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty, reigned from 869 to 840 B.C.
  • Period: 840 BCE to 774 BCE

    Ramesses II

    Ramesses II was the third pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty, and possibly the most famous pharaoh, maybe after Tutankhamen. He ruled for 66 years, and made sure everyone knew it. He ruled from 840 to 774 B.C.
  • Period: 774 BCE to 764 BCE


    Mereneptah came to power in a chaotic time, just before the Santorini explosion of 765 B.C. He may have been killed in a raid on the palace. He ruled between 774 and 764 B.C.
  • 765 BCE

    Santorini Explosion

    The Santorini Explosion caused the sun to go black, known as the Great Raash by the Hebrews. It displaced the Sea Peoples from their home and caused a famine, so the Sea Peoples began raiding other countries, displacing Nubians and Libyans into Egypt to begin the 22nd, 23rd, and 21st (Tanite) dynasties. This happened in 765 B.C.