Foto 19 century

19th century Spain

  • Six years of absolutism

    Six years of absolutism
    After the War of Independence between Spain and France in which there was a constitutional monarchy, Ferdinand VII rejected liberalism and returned to the absolute monarchy. Liberals who hoped in a constitutional monarchy were persecuted, forced into exile or executed.
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    The French troops and Ferdinand VII returned to Spain. They wanted to re-establish an absolutist monarchy, but the spread of the liberal ideas during the War of Independence made it difficult.
  • The Liberal Triennium

    The Liberal Triennium
    In this period the king was forced to share his power with liberals and to have a constitutional monarchy. It last three years cause Ferdinand VII asked for foreign help to stop the constitutional monarchy and to return to an aboslute monarchy.
  • The Ominous Decade

    The Ominous Decade
    In 1823 Fernado VII asked the Holy Alliance for assitance and the Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis came. Ferdinand VII changed the Salic Law to a Pragmatic Sanction in order that the women and their daughter could vote.
  • 1st Carlist War

    1st Carlist War
    It took place because Fernando VII's brother Carlos claimed the throne. It began in the Basque Country and they were defeated by the Liberal army of General Espartero. Peace was signed at the convention of Vergara. Despite having lost the war, Carlists continued existing as defenders of tradition.
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    Maria Cristina supported the moderate liberals but because of different events went on to support the progressive liberals. In this period the abolishment of the Ancien Régime started by Juan Álvarez Mendizábal, the leader of the progressive liberals. Moreover a new progressive Constitution was drafted in 1837.
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    In 1837, moderate liberals took the control of the government and Maria Cristina was replaced by General Espartero, that was appointed regent. Espartero's ideas created strong oppositions and Isabela II was proclaimed queen with 13 years in 1843.
  • Alternation of power between moderates and progressists

    During moderate power, General Narváez was the leader. The new Cortes adopted a moderated Constitution in 1845, furthermore state and municipal administration was reorganised. Also, a penal code was created. In 1854, General O'Donnell led the Vicálvaro pronuciamiento. One year later the Cortes drafted a new Constitution.
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    When Isabel II was proclaimed queen with 13 years absolutism ended in Spain, she established a liberal constitutional monarchy, although it had its own special characteristics.
  • 2nd Carlist War

    2nd Carlist War
    The war was caused by Isabel II's refusal to marry Carlos Luis Bourbon. The Carlists rebelled in many territories and even formed a parallel government in Estella, but despited this the Carlists were defeated.
  • Social instability

    The social instability was caused by discontent among the peasants over poor working conditions. There was also tension between workers and factory owners over increasing unemployment and low wages.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    The Glorious Revolution started because of the crisis of the monarchy. It was succesful and Isabel II was forced into exile, so a provisional government was established. A new political period began, known as the Democratic Sexennium.
  • Provisional Government

    General Serrano, General Prim and Admiral Topete looked for a new king for Spain who was not a Bourbon. The Cortes drafted a new constitution based on democratic principle. The Constitution established national sovreignty, universal male suffrage, individual's right...
  • Expropiations

    The aim of the expropiations was to solve Spain's economic problems and it consisted of the expropiation of land by the state and its subsequent sale to private owners.
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    In 1868, the crisis of the monarchy started. The governments that emerged from the Glorious Revolution could not establish a democratic system. Furthermore, several different political solutions were tried out and all faced numerous problems.
  • Amadeo I of Savoy

    Amadeo I of Savoy
    Amadeo I of Savoy was chosen to take the throne and General Prim was assassinated. Amadeo I was supported by progressives, unionists and democrats. The government introduced new measures to help Spain economy.
  • The First Republic

    The First Republic
    When Amadeo I abdicated, the Cortes voted to form a republic. The Fist Republic faced many problems. The third Carlist War continued and Alfonso's supporters rejected the republic. The 1873 elections were won by the federal republicans and the Cortes drafted constitution that divided the legislative powers between the central government and the federal republics.