
19th century Spain

  • Espoz and Mina

    Espoz and Mina
    The first revolution of groups of liberlas on the years that absolutism returned to spain
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    The reign of Ferdinand VII is the 25-year period of contemporary Spanish history between 1814 and 1833. Ferdinand VII of Spain ascended to the throne on March 19, 1814, immediately after the abdication of his father, Carlos IV ; and his reign ended with his death on September 29, 1833.
  • The porlier

    The porlier
    Second revolt by part of the liberals by the Pronunciamientos
  • The absolutist phase (1814-1820)

    The absolutist phase (1814-1820)
    AT the moment in which Fernando Vll returns from his exile to the throne, he repealed the constitution of 1812 and the reforms of Cadiz, making Spain return to absolutism. The liberals were persecuted and tried to make groups of liberals to make pronouncements between the years 1814 and 1817 complaining about the reforms in the constitution without success and a large part of the liberals were executed.
  • Lacy and Torrijos

    Lacy and Torrijos
    Third and last revolt from the liberals at 1817
  • The liberal Triennium (1820-1823)

    The liberal Triennium (1820-1823)
    Coronel Rafael del Riego made a pronunciamiento at Cabezas de San Juan, in Seville that take succsessful. After that, Fernando Vll was pressured to re-establish the constitution. The king of Spain felt intimidated by the liberals and appealed to other european monarch todefent Spain and by the Holly Aliance, in 1823 they sent troops that restored the absolutism
  • The ominous decade (1823-1833)

    The ominous decade (1823-1833)
    By the returning of the absolutsm in Spain thanks to Fernanfo Vll, Thise make the country have economic and political problems that ends by a crisis.
    Spain loss in bankrupt after the French war and a reform where the privileged classes pay taxes to safe the country from the crisis.
    The climax of the crisis starts on the 1830, bacause Isabela was inherit to the throne by Salic Law, who excluded women from the right to inherit the throne. At the end, hisbrother Carles take the therone.
  • 1st Carlist war

    1st Carlist war
    During the 19th century they where 2 Carlist wars, the first between the 1833-1839 witch Zumalacárregui (experienced commanders). Finaly, after the Carlist were defeated by the Liberal army, the peace was signed in 1839 on the Convention of Vergara.
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    Initialy, her will supported the moderate liberals. That's will make small reforms.
    María Cristina de Borbón, fourth wife of Fernando VII, occupies the Regency from 1833 to 1840, after the death of her husband. On October 4, 1833, Maria Cristina presents a political manifesto.
    Juan Álvarez Mendizábal will go down in history as president of the Council of Ministers.
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    The conservatives policies took control of the goverment. Mª Cristina was forced to take down and the General Espartero named regent. Isabela ll was, at the age of 13 year old, proclamed queen.
  • Alternation of power between moderates and progressists (1843)

    Alternation of power between moderates and progressists (1843)
    The Moderate Party were the upper classes. For this reason, they tried to remain predominant. They defended a regime in which order prevailed over the rights of the population and they defended the King, who had very broad powers. Progressive Party has its social base in the middle classes. This makes them reformists, maintaining the general characteristics of liberation system and wining political power. For them, individual rights are paramount, but they are only enjoyed by the bourgeoisie.
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    THE REIGN OF ISABEL II: (1843-1868)

    Shortly before her birth, the King issued a Pragmatic Sanction to ensure the succession of his firstborn, due to his lack of a son. She came to the throne a month before her third birthday, but her succession was disputed by her uncle Infante Carlos. With his mother's regency, Spain went from being an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy, adopting the Royal Statute of 1834 and the Constitution of 1837.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    In September 1868 a monarchical crisis sparked the "Glorious Revolution". They attempted to oust the queen and establish a democratic political system, but the governments that emerged from the revolution were unable to establish a democratic system. The revolution was command by the progressives and democrats. Also revolutionary "Juntas" were formed over all the country.
    The revolution ends on 1869, one year later, on september of 1868 on the "Battle of Alcorea" that forced the queen to exile.
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    SIX YEARS OF DEMOCRACY (1868-1874)

    In September 1868 a monarchical crisis sparked the "Glorious Revolution". They attempted to oust the queen and establish a democratic political system, but the governments that emerged from the revolution were unable to establish a democratic system. Between the "Sexenio Democratico", attempts to find political solutions only led to more problems.
  • Provisional government (1869)

    Provisional government (1869)
    The same year started the revolution a provisional goverment was formed to establish a political system and also created a new constitution that was retified on 1869. The constitution establish a national sovereignty anad universal male male suffrage. Also distinguished the rights of people and declarate a disolution of the church and the state. Finally, the constitution establish a parlamentary monarchy for the selection of a new king.
  • Amadeo I of Savoy (1871-1873)

    Amadeo I of Savoy (1871-1873)
    Amadeo of Savoy was a liberal that contributed to the unificaton of Italy was selected for take the throne. He have support by the progressives, unionists and democrats, also the goverment tale mesures to help economic recovery of Spain. As the new king, he starts having enemies, like the moderatees and some representatives of the Church. At the same time a war began when the Carlists declared Charles VII king. Some probems began in a war in Cuba (1869), forcing Amadeo I to leave the country
  • 2nd Carlist war (1872-1876)

    2nd Carlist war (1872-1876)
    Beganing the six year of democracy, the second Carlist war starts, at the same time the throne became vacant after the exiliation of Isabela II.
    They rose up in some territories and formed a parallel government between their defeat.
  • The First Republic (1873-1874)

    The First Republic (1873-1874)
    After the left of Amadeo, the Cortes vote to form a republic and the lower social class were happy with the result
    The new republic have 4 presidents, that can not proper because political problems:
    Division between the unitary and the federal republicans
    The beginning of a new Carlist war
    Cartagena proclaming itself independent canton
    Conspirations to restore the monarchy through Alfonso
    In 1874 dissolves the Cortes and made "General Serrano" head state, that try to create a conservative regime