19th Century reform events

  • Food and Drugs Act

    Food and Drugs Act
    prevents the adulteration of food. The Nightingale School of Nursing is founded.
  • The World's First Underground Railway opens in London

    The World's First Underground Railway opens in London
    Using gas-lit wooden carriages hauled by steam locomotives. Queens institute is founded in London for the first industrial training of women.
  • Girls are admitted into Cambirdge local examinations

    Girls are admitted into Cambirdge local examinations
    and Barbra Bodichon forms womens suffrage committee
  • Infant Custody Act

    Infant Custody Act
    Provides a possibility that a mother can obtain a child custody even if she committed adultlery
  • Women Physicians

    Women Physicians
    be liscensed to practice
  • Royal Free Hospital

    Royal Free Hospital
    admits women as medical students
  • FIrst womens colleges at Oxford

    FIrst womens colleges at Oxford
    Pharmaceutical society admits women as members
  • Second Married Womens Property Act

    Second Married Womens Property Act
    Entitles married women to retain seperate ownership of any properrty they own before their marriage