Revolucion francesa

19th century in Spain

  • The absolute monarch

    · Spain was 6 years of absolute monarchy.
    · Some liberals were forced into exile and others were executed.
    · Ferdinand Vll was king during this time.
  • Period: to


  • The liberal phase

    In 1820 the king was forced to reinstate constitutional monarchy, and so it succeeded for 3 years. In 1823 European monarchs called the 'Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis' which restored absolutism.
  • The ominous decade

    The ominous decade
    This comeback of Absolute Monarchy lasted for 10 years and showed repression against liberals.
  • Ferdinand Vll died

    Ferdinand Vll died
  • 1st Carlist War

    1st Carlist War
    · It was about who would occupy the throne.
    · Whether retain an absolute monarchy or change to liberal monarchy.
    · Carlos V was known as 'Carlists'.
    · Liberal supporters were called 'isabelinos'.
    · Maria Cristina was regent of Spain.
    · Isabella ll of Spain was Queen of the kingdom during this time and more.
    · Liberal victory.
  • Period: to


    Maria Cristina acted as regent on behalf of Isabel ll. She had the support of liberals to build a new constitutional monarchy.
  • Period: to


    · General Espartero was appointed regent in 1840.
    · Introduction of free trade measures were damaging Spanish industry.
    · In 1843 Isabel ll was proclaimed queen.
  • Period: to


    Some features of her reign were:
    - The alternation in power between the Moderates and Progressives. They were generally led by people like General Espartero, Narvaez and O'Donnell.
    - There was social instability because of peasants' poor working condition.
    - Expropriations belonged to the church, nobility and municipalities. They were carried out by Mendizábal (1836-1837) and Madoz (1855).
  • 2nd Carlist War

    2nd Carlist War
    · It was a short civil war fought mainly in Catalonia.
    · Isabel ll, the queen, gave rise to it because she did not get married with Carlos Luis Bourbon because she was already wed to Francisco de Borbón.
    · The war ended in 1849 with the defeat of the Carlists.
  • Provisional government

    Provisional government
    · The Battle of Alcolea forced Queen Isabella and Alfonso into exile.
    · It was formed to establish a democratic political system.
    · They had to choose a new king.
  • Period: to


    The 'Glorious Revolution' appeared due the crisis of the monarchy. It was a rebellion to quit Isabel ll.
    This was the beginning of everything.
  • Amadeo l of Savoy

    Amadeo l of Savoy
    · He was chosen to take the throne.
    · The government introduced new features to help economic recovery.
    · Moderates and representatives of the church were opponents.
    · The Carlists declared Charles Vll as king.
    · He abdicated and leaved the country for many problems.
  • The first republic

    The first republic
    · Republicans stated social and economic reforms.
    · Figueras, Pi y Margall, Salmerón and Castelar were all presidents.
    · Many problems made it difficult to create a proper establishment.
    · In 1874 a coup made General Serrano head of state.