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19th Century Imperialistic Historical Timeline

  • European trading with Africa becomes well established

    European trading with Africa becomes well established
    The merchants from Britain, France, Portugal, and the Netherlands who began trading along the Atlantic coast of Africa encountered a well-established trading population regulated by experienced local rulers. European companies quickly developed trade relations with these indigenous powers and built fortified warehouses, on coastal areas to store goods and defend their trading rights from foreign powers.
  • Taiping Rebellion begins, but then quicly dies out

    Taiping Rebellion begins, but then quicly dies out
    In China, the leader of the Taiping Rebellion, Hong Xiuchuan, proclaims that God will defend his city, Tianjin (southeast of Beijing). When government forces approach he swallows poison and dies. The monarchy re-establishes control over most areas of China. The Taiping rebellion is all but defeated.
  • Second Opium War ends

    Second Opium War ends
    The Second Opium War ends. China is forced to pay Britain and France to open more ports. The opium trade is legalized. westerners are to be allowed to proselytize and guaranteed protection, and Westerners are to be allowed to hold property in China. Russia and the United States rush in to gain benefit from the British and French victory.
  • East India Company Collapses due to the Sepoy Mutiny

    East India Company Collapses due to the Sepoy Mutiny
    The infamous Sepoy Mutiny of that year began with a mutiny amongst Indian sepoys in regiments of the East India Company's Bengal army based in the plains of north India. It was made worse by the incompetence of those in command, and the fact that no wholly British-recruited regiments were available in north India to restore order. They had been despatched to fight on the north-west frontier. The uprising spread outwards to become a widespread civil problem for the British.
  • Telegraphy connects United States coast tp coast.

    Telegraphy connects United States coast tp coast.
    Telegraphy is detaching communication from its dependency on transportation. A communications revolution has been underway. It brings an end to the Pony Express.
  • 1865  The US Civil War ends with General Robert E. Lee surrendering

    1865  The US Civil War ends with General Robert E. Lee  surrendering
    In an event that is generally regarded as marking the end of the Civil War, Confederate General Edmund Kirby Smith, commander of Confederate forces west of the Mississippi, signs the surrender terms offered by Union negotiators. With Smith’s surrender, the last Confederate army ceased to exist, bringing a formal end to the bloodiest four years in U.S. history.
  • Transcontinetal Railroad finishes construction+

    Transcontinetal Railroad finishes construction+
    In 1862, the Pacific Railroad Act chartered the Central Pacific and the Union Pacific Railroad Companies, and tasked them with building a transcontinental railroad that would link the United States from east to west. After much struggling against great risks the 2 ends of the railroad met at Promontory, Utah, on May 10, 1869.
  • Suez Canal Opens

    Suez Canal Opens
    In 1854, Ferdinand de Lesseps, secured an agreement with the Ottoman governor of Egypt to build a canal 100 miles across the Isthmus of Suez. An international team of engineers drew up a construction plan, and in 1856 the Suez Canal Company was formedwas not completed until 1869–four years behin
  • Alexander Graham Bell invents telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell invents telephone
    1876  .In 1874 the essential idea of the telephone formed in his mind, Alexander explained it as the following, “If I could make a current of electricity vary in intensity precisely as the air varies in density during the production of sound, I should be able to transmit speech telegraphically.” Two years later he applied for a patent, which was granted on March 7, 1876.
  • Thomas Edison develops the gramophone and phonograph.

    Thomas Edison develops the gramophone and phonograph.
    Thomas Edison develops the gramophone and phonograph.The technology came into existence in the New Jersey laboratory where Thomas Alva Edison created the first device to both record sound and play it back. He was awarded the Patent invention–the phonograph–on July 18, 1877 .
  • Berlin Conference sets rules for african colonization

    Berlin Conference sets rules for african colonization
    In 1884 at the request of Portugal, German chancellor Otto von Bismarck called together the major western powers of the world to negotiate questions and end confusion over the control of Africa.At the time of the conference, 80% of Africa remained under traditional and local control. Fourteen countries were represented by a plethora of ambassadors when the conference opened in Berlin on November 15, 1884. France, Germany, Great Britain, and Portugal were the major players in the conference, cont
  • Ethiopians defeat the invading Italians at the Battle of Adwa

    Ethiopians defeat the invading Italians at the Battle of Adwa
    The Battle of Adwa was fought over two days between Ethiopian forces under Emperor Menelik II and invading Italian forces, and was the deciding battle in the First Italo-Ethiopian war and a turning point in modern African history with a European Colonial power being defeated and Ethiopia being recognised as a sovereign nation state by the European powers.
  • United Staes acquires Phippines , annexes Hawaii

    United Staes acquires Phippines , annexes Hawaii
    The United States defeated Spain in the Spansih-American War and acquired many territories, including the Philipines. Almost overnight, the United States had obtained a substantial overseas empire. Some Americans expressed doubts over the acquisition of the Philippines, but expansionists wanted to annex the entire archipelago. Advocates of annexation portrayed the Philippines as the U.S’s gateway to the markets of the Far East. A diverse group of politicians, business and labor leaders, and refo
  • Boer war beings in South Africa

    Boer war beings in South Africa
    The Boers, were the descendants of the original Dutch settlers of southern Africa. Britain took possession of the Dutch Cape colony in 1806 during the Napoleonic wars, the Boers resented Britainrule and it’s anti-slavery policies. In 1833, the Boers began an seeked refuge from the british into African tribal territory, where they founded the republics of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State. The two new republics lived peaceably with their British neighbors until 1867, when the discovery of
  • Boxer Rebelliom insues

    Boxer Rebelliom insues
    In China angry men, known as Boxers, take up terrorism In the streets that display slogans such as "protect the country and destroy the foreigner." At least half of them were youths. They fear magic created by the Christians. They attack and kill Christian missionaries and Chinese converts to Christianity. Rather than being viewed as rebels, they have government approval.