19th Century: 1800-1899

  • Charles Darwin is Born

    Born in the village of Shrewsbury, England, to a wealthy family who stressed education and artistic enrichment. After studying medicine for 2 years and showing no aptitude for it, he abandoned the subject for theology which came naturally to the devout christian. He also developed an interest in geology, an interest which lead to him being offered the position of naturalist on the HMS Beagle.
  • Charles Dickens is Born

  • Pride and Prejudice

    Book by Jane Austen.
  • Charlotte Bronte is Born

    Author of Jane Eyre.
  • Death of Jane Austen

    Author of Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Persuasion, Emma, and many other books.
  • Charles Darwin Sets Sail on the HMS Beagle

    Darwin voyaged on the HMS Beagle for 5 years, during which he was influenced by the writings of Thomas Malthus and Sir Charles Lyell. This influence along with the observations Darwin made from all the various location he visited, led to the formation of Darwin's theory which he called "natural selection."
  • Lewis Carrol is Born

    Lewis Carroll was the pen name of Charles L. Dodgson, author of the children's classics "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking-Glass."
  • Charles Darwin Marries His First Cousin

    Emma Darwin (nee.Wedgewood), Darwin's first cousin and wife for 43 years. They had 10 children, 3 of which died. Emma Darwin was a devout Christian and urged him for many years not to publish his book, The Origin of Species.
  • Jane Eyre

    Book written by Charlotte Bronte.
  • Death of Charlotte Bronte

  • The Origin of Species

    Book by Charles Darwin, that proposes the theory that attempts to explain the diversity of life that exists on earth, known as the theory of evolution. Darwin came up with this theory while on board the HMS Beagle, and although his theory was completely formulated by the time his voyage finished, he did not publish his book for 23 years. This was due to his wife, who recognized the devastating effect it could have on the church and pleaded for him not to publish it.
  • A Tale of Two Cities

    Book by Charles Dickens
  • Great Expectations

    Book by Charles Dickens. (1860-1861)
  • Death of Charles Dickens

  • Death of Charles Darwin

    Buried in Westminister Abbey.
  • Death of Lewis Carroll

    Lewis Carroll was the pen name of Charles L. Dodgson, author of the children's classics "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking-Glass."